Attracting Saudi Students to U.S. Universities

New Report from WES Identifies Emerging Markets in International Student Recruitment

New York, NY, October 30, 2012 --( Saudi Arabia is the number one emerging market for U.S. universities and colleges to direct their international student recruitment efforts, according to a new report from World Education Services (WES). In 2010/11, 23,000 students from Saudi Arabia were enrolled in U.S. institutions, making them the sixth largest group of international students.

The study entitled, “Beyond More of the Same: The Top Four Emerging Markets for International Student Recruitment” [], identifies key emerging markets, like Saudi Arabia, and offers strategies to guide higher education institutions to successfully nurture them.

The report reveals promising international recruitment potential in four markets, listed by order of importance: Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Vietnam, and Turkey. Survey respondents viewed these markets favorably due to their economic growth, expanding middle classes and unique educational contexts.

Key findings for Saudi Arabia include:

A major pillar of the Kingdom’s investment in education is the King Abdullah Scholarship Program, which since 2005, has dramatically contributed to the outflow of Saudi students to overseas institutions of higher education. With roughly 40% of Saudi students abroad choosing to study in the U.S., the extension of the scholarship program to 2020 promises a continued stream of Saudi students to American universities and colleges.

U.S. institutions that offer English language programs and skillfully engage with government agencies, such as the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission, have the greatest potential to recruit students from this country.

“Higher education institutions are under increasing pressure to diversify the mix of international students beyond China, India, and Korea—the top three countries of origin. In this context, emerging markets offer growth prospects through a relatively untapped pool of international students. Cultivating them, however, is fraught with challenges. Institutions need to strategically identify, map, and nurture student pipelines in emerging markets to achieve international enrollment goals”, says Dr. Rahul Choudaha, Director of Research and Advisory Services at WES, New York.

About World Education Services (WES): World Education Services, Inc. ( is the largest non-profit credential evaluation service in the United States. WES has delivered over 750,000 credential evaluation reports to educational, business, and governmental institutions worldwide.

About WES Research & Advisory Services (RAS): WES Research & Advisory Services ( analyzes trends and issues in global education to advise academic and government institutions on best practices and strategies in international enrollment management.

About Dr. Rahul Choudaha: Dr. Choudaha is Director of Research & Advisory Services at WES, New York. He earned a Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration from the University of Denver, a Master’s degree in Business Administration, and a Bachelor of Engineering degree from India.

About the Survey: The report builds on two rounds of surveys with experts in the field of international recruitment using the Delphi method—a mixed method forecasting technique based on the anonymity and expertise of the participants.
World Education Services
Silje Immerstein
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