Georgia Author Releases New Contemporary Fiction Novel

Author, Amanda Anderson is pleased to announce her new contemporary women’s fiction novel, Mystery Love.

Atlanta, GA, November 02, 2012 --( The Feud between the Johnsons and the Emersons had been going on for over seventy-five years, so how would it ever end?

When two young lovers discover passion in the dark of the night, they decide to keep their identities a secret, somehow fearing that it would ruin what they were finding with each other. The thrill of loving a stranger only made their passion burn hotter, until one is sent away to school with no way of telling the other.

The distance and powerlessness almost broke Ginger Johnson, but the memories of that faithful night in the arms of her mystery lover kept her working hard to return home and regain what she had lost. She didn’t know who he was and didn’t care. She had felt more alive in those few stolen hours than she had ever felt in her life and she vowed to feel that way again.

Carl Emerson’s life had been a dreary place. He’d been forced to marry a woman he couldn’t love, but he couldn’t get the memory of that long ago night out of his head. It pulled him back again and again to the pond where he had loved an angel and lost her in the same night. His empty heart yearned for her until one day as if by magic she appeared again.

Now they must fight against all odds to reclaim the love that they lost years before. Those they thought would stand in their way are happy to step aside, while those who should support them threatened their very existence.

Can love overcome years of hatred and senseless fighting? Will the secrets that are forced into the light destroy them all? Or can two young lovers end the bitterness of two families and bind them together forever?

Book Information:
Mystery Lover
Author: Amanda Anderson
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 978-1479189878
Published: August 2012
Pages: 202

About The Author:
Amanda Anderson lives in North Georgia with her husband and two children. She spends part of her time teaching at a local preschool and writing, while the rest is devoted to family. Writing is new to her, but storytelling has been a life long hobby. Amanda loves using words to create images and feelings for others. Writing offers her an escape from the wonderful chaos that is her life. Raising two small children takes a lot of energy and she often collapses in her office chair late at night to let her ideas flow.

Amanda finds that she enjoys her self-published status because it gives her the freedom to write what she wants, how she wants it. She often chooses characters that may not fit the norm of what most think of as a hero or heroine. She likes that her characters are unique and that their stories flow from her instead of what someone else’s guidelines are.

Mrs. Anderson is also the author of several other titles. The contemporary fiction novels include: Christina's Chance (ISBN: 9781477508176) and A Beautifully Normal Life (ISBN: 9781478215172). The western novels include: In Love With the Wrong Cowboy (ISBN: 9781480180543), Vengeance (ISBN: 9781479243556), One Good Cowboy (ISBN: 9781480013483), Taming a Montana Maverick (ISBN: 9781475222388) and Redemption of a Soiled Dove (ISBN: 9781475064612). The paranormal titles include: Stripes (ISBN: 9781480055223), The Tiger Within (ISBN: 9781470136550), Highland Tigress (ISBN: 9781475079838), and Captive Tigress (ISBN: 978-1479143931).

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact the author at:

Amanda Anderson

Mystery Lover is available for purchase online through the author’s website, from the publisher,, and other online retailers. Bookstores should contact Ingram for wholesale orders. Anderson’s other novels are available through the same outlets.
Amanda Anderson
706 509 8422