Study Life Highlights Increase in Student Visa Living Costs

International students have to prove that they have genuine access to required living cost amount in order to be granted Australian student visas.

Canberra, Australia, November 03, 2012 --( Student support site has highlighted increases in Student Visa Living Costs, which are offset by transport concessions in some Australian states.

The Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) announced that the required living cost amounts since 1 July 2012 have been the following: AUD 18,610 per year for the main student; AUD 6,515 per year for the student’s partner; AUD 3,720 per year for the student’s first child; and AUD 2,790 per year for every other child.

DIAC is the Australian agency that issues student visas to international students wanting to study in Australia.

Even if the partner or children are not accompanying the main student to Australia, still, DIAC requires that the intending international student has to prove that he or she has genuine access to the required living cost amounts for the above-mentioned dependents.

“Adjusting the living cost amount to align with the CPI supports the government’s objective of ensuring that Student visa applicants are financially prepared to live and study in Australia for the duration of their visa,” DIAC, said in a statement.

The commitment of the department to annually review the living cost amount requirement came about after the Knight, in June 2011, raised concerns that then living cost amount requirement for Australian student visa applicants did not sufficiently prepare international students to the cost of goods and services in Australia.

Based on the Education at a Glance 2012 Report of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Australia is the third most popular education destination of students from around the world with 7% of the world’s international students studying in Australia. The United States and the United Kingdom came ahead of Australia as the preferred education destination of foreign students.

The 2012 Australian Education International (AEI) survey has shown that international students choose to study in Australia due to the quality of teaching, reputation of a qualification from the institution, reputation of the institution, personal safety, and reputation of the Australian education system.

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Study Life
Lee Ji Young
+65 974523508