Prizing-Winning Author Announces the Release of New Contemporary Fiction Novel, Hollywood Buckaroo

Prize-winning author, Tracy DeBrincat is pleased to announce the release of her new book, Hollywood Buckaroo. This novel is the winner of the inaugural Big Moose Prize from Black Lawrence Press.

Los Angeles, CA, November 07, 2012 --( A man. No plan. A hamburger commercial. A wild west town. A mess.

Hollywood Buckaroo tells the improbable and unintentional coming of age of Sander Sanderson, whose filmmaking aspirations are in the toilet after the death of his father, a successful Hollywood plumber. Unable to grieve for his dad and face running the family business, Sander wangles a shot to direct a commercial in the old west town of Buckaroo to live out his dream for one whole week before resigning himself to a life he dreads. As Sander struggles to rescue the imploding project, eccentric locals jumpstart his creativity and his heart, so he can mourn at last and love again.

Hollywood Buckaroo is also a love letter to the movies, the afterlife, the high desert, tiny towns and big cities, dysfunctional families, broken hearts, broken legs, the Siamese twins of ambition and humiliation, despair and delight, Hells Angels, celebrity, infamy, William Carlos Williams, the possibility of aliens, and the supreme satisfaction of a really great shower.

Book Information:
Hollywood Buckaroo
Author: Tracy DeBrincat
Publisher: Black Lawrence Press
ISBN: 978-0982876688
Published: October 2012
Pages: 357

Recent Praise:
“Tracy DeBrincat—whose name alone should seduce—is snappy, winning, lightly perverse.” —Padgett Powell, Author of The Interrogative Mood: A Novel? and Edisto

“Hollywood Buckaroo’s witty and engaging love-hate relationship with the industry it so vividly portrays is as entertaining as a trip to the movies itself.” —Ed Solomon, Screenwriter, Men In Black

About The Author:
Tracy DeBrincat is the author of the prize-winning short story collection Moon Is Cotton & She Laugh All Night (Subito Press/University of Colorado, Boulder). A new prize-winning collection, Troglodyte, is due from Elixir Press in 2014. She has published short stories and poetry in literary reviews from Another Chicago Magazine to Zyzzyva. Although San Francisco is her hometown, she loves living in Los Angeles, where she is a freelance creative advertising consultant and authors the blog Bigfoot Lives!

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact:

Diane Goettel

Hollywood Buckaroo is available for purchase online through the book's website, from the publisher,, and other online retailers.
Bookstores should contact Ingram for wholesale orders.
Tracy DeBrincat