A Dark, Haunting Mystery Thriller Release by World Castle Publishing

Andrew Utley’s The Shadow of the Night is the tale of a Michigan detective tasked with solving a series of disappearances.

Pensacola, FL, November 10, 2012 --(PR.com)-- Several years have passed since private investigator Peter Addams was involved in a fruitless search for a group of missing college students. Now, another group has gone missing, vanishing without even a call to their parents.

The Shadow of the Night (ISBN:9781938961489) follows Peter as he attempts to remove the shroud of mystery surrounding the disappearances and tries to retain his grip on reality. Peter begins the investigation believing it will be a mundane job, but the more he learns the more he starts to believe there are forces at work that are beyond his comprehension. Could what seemed like one possible crime in fact be part of a series going back through centuries? As the nature of the case forces him to question what can be real, Peter has to find out if he can stand against an unknown force that has been feeding on the children of mankind since the beginnings of civilization.

The Shadow of the Night is the first novel written by Andrew Utley, and also the first full length story he had done in first-person perspective. Said the author “I knew I wanted to write it in first person from the start, not only to allow the reader to fully empathize with events of the book, but also to stress the toll the events take on the protagonist. I want the reader to feel as much of what Peter felt at any given moment.”

The Shadow of the Night is being released November 15th through World Castle Publishing. It will be available at booksellers everywhere.

About the author: Andrew Utley was born in Michigan in January of 1984. He has remained trapped there ever since. An avid reader since becoming capable of understanding words, Harvester: Ascension (with Eric Johnston) was his first novel and is followed by The Shadow of the Night. Andrew lives in Lapeer, Michigan with his girlfriend of many years, a cat, and several forms of aquatic life.

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World Castle Publishing
Alex Weis