Millennials Prove Continued Force in 2012 Election

CIRCLE and report Millennials active in the 2012 election.

Washington, DC, November 13, 2012 --( "This election proves Millennials will continue to be a force inside and outside of the voting booth." -Maya Enista Smith, CEO of

The youth turnout in the Presidential Campaign demonstrated that while young people face some tough economic challenges, Millennials are meeting these challenges head on by engaging in their communities and actively working towards finding solutions.

"Way before the voting booths closed yesterday, Millennials across America were engaged in their local communities, and finding innovative ways to solve problems in their communities. Last night, the Millennial generation, and the Millenial voice proved once again that they will not be silenced," said Maya Enista Smith, CEO

According to CIRCLE research and exit polling, the youth vote represented a 19 percent share of the electorate, which was up one point from the electoral-map changing 2008 elections. This means 22-23 million young Americans, or 49%, voted in Tuesday’s elections. For the last decade, the Millennial population has not only grown in size, but also in diversity of thought, leadership and engagement in civic life. The ideas presented by Millennials inside and outside of the voting booths are reflective of this generation’s creativity, technological savvy and interest in strengthening our connections to one another.

"Millennials not only helped to decide who won the election, but proved that they know what is at stake is greater than any one political candidate or political party. The over 22 million Millennials who voted in the election are also starting non-profits, joining local civic clubs, and engaging in dialogues on how to work collaboratively not just in election years, but for the future of our country." -Anthony Copeman, Pennsylvania, Blogger.

About is a 501c3 non-profit organization that empowers and invests in Millennials to create and implement solutions to social problems. believes Millennials are crucial in creating long-term, sustainable, community based solutions to the challenges facing our society. For more info, visit

Amber Goodwin
Annie Lorenzana