Former Fashion Model Releases Two Award Winning Historical Novels Set in 19th Century Louisiana

Author and former model, Arlette Gaffrey is pleased to announce her two novels, A World of His Own (ISBN: 978-0978889104) and Behind the Columns (ISBN: 978-1432745943). Gaffrey uses her family history of French and Spanish Creolé to create her works. A World of His Own won the Readers Favorite Award and Behind the Columns won the Reader Views Literary Award.

San Diego, CA, November 10, 2012 --( Book Information:
A World of His Own: In the Land of the Creolés
Author: Arlette Gaffrey
Publisher: Outskirts Press
ISBN: 978-1450236362
Pages: 400

Almost 200 years before Katrina ambushed New Orleans, a young man from France was starting out a new life after a harrowing narrow escape from his homeland and its bloody revolution.

In her debut novel, A World of His Own: In the Land of the Creolés, author Arlette Gaffrey dives deep into her own ancestry and into her birthplace's history to weave the story of André Raphael de Javon, an orphan in his 20s who lost his family to the French Revolution.

In this epic saga of love, marriage and betrayal, we follow Andre from his humble beginnings in the 19th century Crescent City as he becomes one of the wealthiest plantation owners in the Territory.

In her story, Gaffrey masterfully folds in historical goodies that shed light on New Orlean's burgeoning adolescence. The pirate Jean Lafitte and even General Andrew Jackson are but some of the colorful characters that pop up throughout, making A World of His Own a work of fascinating historical fiction.

Book Information:
Behind The Columns
Author: Arlette Gaffrey
Publisher: Outskirts Press
ISBN: 978-1432745943
Pages: 354

Historical romance offers fascinating introduction to 1846 New Orleans, its passionate Créole people, and a beguiling Créole belle named Désirée Bordeaux. Arlette Gaffrey has released her latest novel, a historical romance titled Behind the Columns. A native of New Orleans, Gaffrey returns to her roots to tell the story of a young Créole girl who is in love with one man but through circumstances beyond her control is forced to marry another.

Power, passion, and deception rule as readers once again enjoy a seductive immersion into Créole culture and the famed Crescent City in Arlette Gaffrey’s latest novel, Behind the Columns.

About The Author:
A former high fashion model from age 18 to 58, Arlette Gaffrey was married to a career Naval Officer (pilot). She started writing in her late fifties and when she finished the novel in her early sixties, she had trouble finding a publisher that would work with her because of her age. She decided to self-publish and has successfully published her two novels, both receiving rave reviews from critics and readers. Arlette is also the mother of three and grandmother of six.

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact the author at:

Arlette Gaffrey

Both books are available for purchase online through the author’s website, from the publisher,, and other online retailers. Available in both print and e-book. Bookstores should contact Ingram for wholesale orders.
Arlette Gaffrey