Writer Alyce Wilson Vying to Become America's Next Author

Writer Alyce Wilson is counting on her story about love and magic to win America's Next Author, a ground-breaking online contest ranking authors according to votes and social media mentions.

Philadelphia, PA, November 13, 2012 --(PR.com)-- Philadelphia-area author and poet Alyce Wilson hopes her short story about a woman who gets supernatural help to find love will be the magic key to win America's Next Author 2012. Wilson is competing with over 350 writers to win the most reader votes and social media mentions. The winner will receive $5,000 and a chance at publication.

Wilson's story, "Dating Safari," follows a 30-something office worker who's been unlucky with romance. Thanks to a pendant, which may or may not contain magical powers, the protagonist uncovers truths about herself and her taste in men. But will those insights lead to true love? Wilson's story can be found at: http://www.ebookmall.com/author/alyce-wilson

"I was striving to write something in the genre of magical realism, where an everyday setting opens up magical possibilities," Wilson said. "Coming from a family that believes in ghosts and faeries, I've always imagined that there is more to life than we can see or define. Plus, I think we'd all like to imagine that finding the perfect mate could be as easy as a little magic."

America's Next Author, run by eBookMall.com, is a unique contest with a rolling entry period. Each week, new competitors are welcome to enter, and the voting totals are zeroed out. Readers are invited to vote for their impressions of each story and asked to share the links to their favorite entries via social media like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Those who register for eBookMall.com (which costs nothing) can also give each entry one through five stars and write a review. Anyone who writes at least four reviews is entered to win an iPad.

Voting, reviews, and social media mentions factor into author rankings, with the top-rated author each week making it to the semifinals. In addition, a panel of judges will select four Wild Card picks.

For her part, Wilson is optimistic as Round 6 begins this week. "Everyone who's read my story has had positive comments. I really think it's just a matter of finding my audience," she said. "And really, who hasn't been unlucky in love?"
Alyce Wilson