Little Known Secrets for Positioning Yourself as an Expert Revealed in a Free Teleclass

Ellensburg, WA, November 14, 2012 --( There are a lot of so called experts out there all trying to compete for the same clients. The problem with this is that many of these experts are not actually experts. Plus, there are true experts out there that no one knows about. This is a disservice to both the business owners and the client. Tara Truax has found a proven formula for helping business owners and entrepreneurs position themselves as an expert so that they can share their gifts with the people that need them.

Her teleseminar, Stop Spinning your Wheels and Get in Gear to Position Yourself as the Expert in Your Field to Move Your Business Forward, is free for a short time. When participants sign up for this call they will learn what action to take to position themselves as the expert in their field, the mistakes to avoid, tips to make sure this positioning happens and so much more.

“My business started to grow once I implemented these strategies and identified myself as an expert. The first step was recognizing this me, but there was so much more to it. I’m excited so share this with others so that they can learn from my mistakes,” says Tara.

Check out Stop Spinning Your Wheels and Get in Gear to Position yourself as the Expert in Your Field, on Thursday, November 15, 1:00pm (PST) / 4:00pm (EDT). Don’t worry if you can’t make the call, you can still sign up and receive a free recording. Go to .

Tara Truax, Business Success Mentor, is a coach, speaker and author of the upcoming book Who the Hell Am I to Start a Business. She works with small business owners and entrepreneurs to help them bring their business to the next level. Tara has a knack for making things so simple. For information on her coaching and mentoring, email .
Tara Truax Companies, LLC
Tara Truax