Small Businesses Expand Their Financial Horizons

A just released book, Solving the Capital Equation: Financing Solutions for Small Businesses, has over 25 in-depth yet succinct case study examples of what other business owners have done to creatively access expansion capital to grow their businesses. The material covers everything from available (and how to access it) to what works best for your business type – from pursuing business-friendly community banks to forming strategic alliances to tapping supplier financing.

Atlanta, GA, July 21, 2007 --( Depending on the statistical source, quotes for failure rates for businesses can often top 80% over a 5-year period. The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that 34% of businesses were no longer in existence two years after their birth and 56% were no longer in existence four years later. What do most business owners attribute their “failure” to: Lack of capital.

“Lack of capital is not the real issue. Capital in 2007 is plentiful. The primary issue is lack of access to capital. The younger the entity, the fewer the sources,” says Tiffany Wright, author of the new book Solving the Capital Equation. “Most small and medium companies either just have no idea of the variety of financing sources that exist for their business type or they are highly unprepared to meet the requirements from a packaging perspective.”

Wright contends that there are at least several financing alternatives available for any small business. To access these they must educate themselves and think creatively. “Most business owners think of bank financing when you say debt and venture capital when you say equity. There is a vast pool of financing available from other entities for debt and equity. There are also providers of financing that looks a little like debt and a little like equity.”

Solving the Capital Equation: Financing Solutions for Small Businesses has over 25 in-depth yet succinct case study examples of what other business owners have done to creatively access expansion capital to grow their businesses. The material covers everything from what is available (and how to access it) to what works best for your business type – from pursuing business-friendly community banks to forming strategic alliances to tapping supplier financing. This book shows business owners how to obtain the capital they need to not just survive, but grow. To help create viable, sustainable businesses to sell or pass on to the next generation.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, as of 2004, there were nearly 5.9 Million firms with employees in the US and 19.5 Million firms with no employees. 2.8 Million firms had 1-4 employees and another 1.0 Million firms had 5-9 employees. Only 86, 538 companies had 100 or more employees and only 17,047 of those had 500 or more employees. Thus the impact of small businesses on the economy is huge. Wright says, “We must help more small businesses grow into larger and larger firms. This way we ensure the continued health of the American economy.”

Solving the Capital Equation can be ordered from Toca Family Publishing, 245 N. Highland Ave., NE, Suite 230-230, Atlanta, GA 30307; fax credit orders to 404-348-4469; or order online at The price is $24.95 plus $5.50 shipping/handling. For more details visit

About the Author: Tiffany Wright is the president of a commercial construction services firm and interim management consulting firm located in Atlanta, Georgia. In addition to extensive corporate business development and finance deal participation, she is a former financial and business advisor to numerous small businesses in industries ranging from manufacturing to transportation to business services. She has an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in Finance and Entrepreneurial Management and a BS in Industrial Engineering from The Ohio State University.

Toca Family Publishing
Heather Loveridge