The Phoenix Philosophy Drops New Sound with CD Release Party
Minneapolis rock band Phoenix Philosophy, debuts their 4th EP at Fine Line Music Café, March 9th, 2013.
Minneapolis, MN, January 30, 2013 --( For the 4th EP, Leap Of Faith demonstrates The Phoenix Philosophy’s inimitable established character and musical direction. It is not just a new recording with a fresh sound. It is an assertion of a band standing at a new pinnacle of its development—journeying far from home; writing, scrapping, rewriting, all amidst four individuals struggling to compromise on establishing a singular identity, and throughout the process, having found it. For the Leap Of Faith EP, the band teamed up Chicago-based producer, Jesse Christenson of Midcoast Audio Group. Christenson’s expertise stems from working under Sean O'Keefe (producer of Fallout Boy, The Plain White T's) and has proven, via his original work, to possess an amazing ear for fostering memorable hooks in every element of song.
Venue: The Phoenix Philosophy will be filling Fine Line Music Café with laser lights and high voltage on March 9th, 2013 for their CD release party. The night will be filled with four opening bands; The Modern Era, Venus On Fire, Postina, & Aiming For Aurora – all like-genre powerhouses guaranteed to rock the house.
The Band: The Phoenix Philosophy pushes the envelope when it comes to answering the question: how is rock music evolving in the postmodern musical landscape? Sonically, The Band employs commanding guitars dueled against a potent influence of electronics, synths, and unforgettable vocal hooks. Visually, They bring a memorable live show with a unique live setup including an accompanying light show and a high-energy performance.
The Phoenix Philosophy has been hard at work establishing themselves in the music scene over the last 3 years by touring throughout the Midwest. Their strong ability to reach out to their fans has earned them a loyal following throughout the region leading them to sell out venues through out the 5 state area (Venues such as 7th Street Entry/ 1st Ave – Minneapolis, MN, and The Beat Kitchen, Chicago, MN). The band’s music has also reached the ears of listeners across the country having songs featured on stations such as 93X/KXXR (Minneapolis), MIT Radio (Boston), and SLY/UCl Radio (Chicago), as well as features on and as band of the month.
Members: Jesse Weber – Vocals / Keys, Stephanie Thorup – Guitars / Vocals, Daniel Schmitt – Bass Vocals, Ketan Kulkarni – Drums / Samples
For promotional copies or press inquiries contact:
Jesse Weber
The Phoenix Philosophy
(763) 447-8705
Tickets are $5 pre-sale - $8 at the door.
Venue: The Phoenix Philosophy will be filling Fine Line Music Café with laser lights and high voltage on March 9th, 2013 for their CD release party. The night will be filled with four opening bands; The Modern Era, Venus On Fire, Postina, & Aiming For Aurora – all like-genre powerhouses guaranteed to rock the house.
The Band: The Phoenix Philosophy pushes the envelope when it comes to answering the question: how is rock music evolving in the postmodern musical landscape? Sonically, The Band employs commanding guitars dueled against a potent influence of electronics, synths, and unforgettable vocal hooks. Visually, They bring a memorable live show with a unique live setup including an accompanying light show and a high-energy performance.
The Phoenix Philosophy has been hard at work establishing themselves in the music scene over the last 3 years by touring throughout the Midwest. Their strong ability to reach out to their fans has earned them a loyal following throughout the region leading them to sell out venues through out the 5 state area (Venues such as 7th Street Entry/ 1st Ave – Minneapolis, MN, and The Beat Kitchen, Chicago, MN). The band’s music has also reached the ears of listeners across the country having songs featured on stations such as 93X/KXXR (Minneapolis), MIT Radio (Boston), and SLY/UCl Radio (Chicago), as well as features on and as band of the month.
Members: Jesse Weber – Vocals / Keys, Stephanie Thorup – Guitars / Vocals, Daniel Schmitt – Bass Vocals, Ketan Kulkarni – Drums / Samples
For promotional copies or press inquiries contact:
Jesse Weber
The Phoenix Philosophy
(763) 447-8705
Tickets are $5 pre-sale - $8 at the door.
The Phoenix Philosophy
Jesse Weber
(763) 447-8705
Jesse Weber
(763) 447-8705
