Warning: Open Val Stasik’s Incidental Daughter, and Freaky Coincidences and Ominous Events Will Keep You Reading Into the Wee Hours

In the newly-released suspense romance, Incidental Daughter by Val Stasik, the main character, Liz Michaels, is done with the past, but the past and ominous events in the present may threaten her peace of mind—or might lead to the love and belonging for which she has always yearned. This novel is available from Amazon and other booksellers.

Santa Fe, NM, January 31, 2013 --(PR.com)-- Val Stasik’s debut novel, Incidental Daughter, is for readers who would enjoy a family drama interwoven with romance, mystery, and a touch of the paranormal. Successful editor and publisher, Liz Michaels, is done with the past. After her mother’s death seventeen years earlier, she met her father for the first time. Believing he thought of her as WWII collateral damage that threatened his relationship with his wife and family who know nothing of his illegitimate daughter, she abandoned her dream of belonging. Her bosses, the Kernans, became her mentors and family, and she repaid them by helping them develop a highly-respected publishing company in Pittsburgh.

When her marriage to blue blood, Addison Tiffin Payne, fails after the loss of her baby and his growing alcoholism, Liz pours all her creative energy and passion into her work and finds comfort in her friendships and the appearances of the spirits of her Polish mother and grandmother. Their occasional presence seems to herald fulfillment of her deepest longings. They never speak except in dreams she cannot remember. Only her feelings from those dreams remain.

When she becomes a suspect in her ex-husband’s death, a series of freaky coincidences involving Detective Jim Shannon and a familiar-looking young publishing intern as well as ominous events set in motion by her ex-husband, his mother, and someone seeking revenge on Shannon and his partner threaten to destroy her hard-won success and peace of mind. However, they may well open the door to a second chance at love and family.

Praise for Incidental Daughter:

“Here's what makes a book a good read for me: compelling and believable characters; some solid action; some touching romance; a solid sense of place; professional prose that includes sparks of originality that illuminate the story. Here's what Incidental Daughter offers: All of the above.” - Anita Eckburg, Washington, DC.

“I really enjoyed this book. There were several twists and turns keeping you reading to see what would happen next. At times, all I could think is...wow I didn't see that coming.” - Barbara Quinn, Harrisburg, PA.

Incidental Daughter is currently available in paperback ($11.99) and on Kindle ($3.99) at Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/Incidental-Daughter-ebook/dp/B00B0QQDUY/ref=sr_1_1_bnp_1_kin?ie=UTF8&qid=1359344375&sr=8-1&keywords=incidental+daughter). Readers may also order it from their local booksellers (ISBN 978-0-9885847-0-9).

Val Stasik spent many years as a writing teacher, helping other writers find their voice and tell their stories, and is a consultant for the Northern Virginia Writing Project. She has written a few plays and film scripts, but Incidental Daughter is her debut novel. For more information, please contact Valerie Stasik at (505) 473-9070 or email her at vstasik@gmail.com. More detailed information is available at http://www.valeriestasik.com. A review copy is available upon request.
Valerie W. Stasik