Celebrate Life, the Wright Scoop
In honor of January as national "celebrate life month," Glen Allen, VA-based The Wright Scoop – consultant, lecturer, & wordsmith Sylvia Hoehns Wright urges all to celebrate a life of CARE – create a legacy of conservation, advocacy, recovery and eco-efficiency.
Glen Allen, VA, January 31, 2013 --(PR.com)-- Whether committed to digging into the roots of family history or the living green that surrounds them, the Wright Scoop – Sylvia Hoehns Wright, recipient of the "turning America from eco-weak to eco-chic" award, urges all to celebrate a life of CARE – conservation, advocacy, recovery and eco-efficiency. “Initially,” says Wright “I defined eco-chic as a result of 3 Ps – place, plant and planting strategy. Then, due to economic downturn, added ‘purchase,’ buy-local. Nevertheless, after witnessing a record-breaking urban/suburban pollution ride on the waters of storm Irene and the devastation created by storm Sandy, I’ve placed emphasis on the ‘people factor.’ For, if we are to create life sustaining eco-healthy urban suburban communities, we must become people who CARE – have a perspective of conservation, advocacy, recovery and eco-efficiency.”
Celebrate Life, the influence of legacy -
Although three generations removed from a Quaker life-style, Wright credits this heritage as the catalyst for her eco-caretaker perspective. “Initially,” she says, “media referred to my eco-commitment as the by-product of a naturalist. Then, when I contributed to state-wide Virginia publications, I was recognized as eco-wise. After speaking and publishing in the DC area, my work was referred to as eco-savvy. And, it was when I participated as a speaker for the Green Festival held in DC that I picked up the label, eco-chic. Nevertheless, regardless of media term, as long as people hear my message – become people who celebrate a life of CARE, I’m happy.”
In her book – Eco-legacy, a millennium woman’s heritage, Wright invites readers to walk on a path worn smooth by generational expectation. Savor nostalgia for the places that are near and dear to heart, recall family traditions and more importantly, celebrate life because heritage is more than a possession, it is a gift: the birthright of our children.
Eco-legacy, a millennium woman’s heritage –
In draft format, Wright’s memoir style book received the 2006 Writer’s Connection VA Book Competition Award. Through donating an excerpt to an anthology – Happy Birthday, Mr. Lincoln, she is one of nation-wide contributors who are recognized by the 2009 Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge George Washington Metal for their collaborative effort to promote an understanding and appreciation of America’s rich heritage and unique freedoms.
Documenting her family’s history with the Henrico County’s historic places department, Wright was solicited to participate in a documentary - No Stone Unturned: Cemetery Identification in Henrico, her County’s 400 year celebration event "Hunt for Henrico History"; and, has participate as a speaker for the Civil War Sesquicentennial speaker series host by the Historical Society of Washington, DC.
About Wright -
Recognized by Landscape Architect magazine as an Industry ‘mover & shaker’, the Wright Scoop – Sylvia Hoehns Wright seeks to inspire people to celebrate their eco-life, create a legacy of CARE, a perspective of conservation, accountability, recovery and eco-efficiency – "green" America’s landscape! To learn more about Wright’s eco activities or acquire a copy of her newly published book Eco-legacy – a millennium woman’s heritage visit web site www.TheWrightScoop.com or follow Twitter ID, Wright Scoop or Face-book group, The Wright Scoop.
Celebrate Life, the influence of legacy -
Although three generations removed from a Quaker life-style, Wright credits this heritage as the catalyst for her eco-caretaker perspective. “Initially,” she says, “media referred to my eco-commitment as the by-product of a naturalist. Then, when I contributed to state-wide Virginia publications, I was recognized as eco-wise. After speaking and publishing in the DC area, my work was referred to as eco-savvy. And, it was when I participated as a speaker for the Green Festival held in DC that I picked up the label, eco-chic. Nevertheless, regardless of media term, as long as people hear my message – become people who celebrate a life of CARE, I’m happy.”
In her book – Eco-legacy, a millennium woman’s heritage, Wright invites readers to walk on a path worn smooth by generational expectation. Savor nostalgia for the places that are near and dear to heart, recall family traditions and more importantly, celebrate life because heritage is more than a possession, it is a gift: the birthright of our children.
Eco-legacy, a millennium woman’s heritage –
In draft format, Wright’s memoir style book received the 2006 Writer’s Connection VA Book Competition Award. Through donating an excerpt to an anthology – Happy Birthday, Mr. Lincoln, she is one of nation-wide contributors who are recognized by the 2009 Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge George Washington Metal for their collaborative effort to promote an understanding and appreciation of America’s rich heritage and unique freedoms.
Documenting her family’s history with the Henrico County’s historic places department, Wright was solicited to participate in a documentary - No Stone Unturned: Cemetery Identification in Henrico, her County’s 400 year celebration event "Hunt for Henrico History"; and, has participate as a speaker for the Civil War Sesquicentennial speaker series host by the Historical Society of Washington, DC.
About Wright -
Recognized by Landscape Architect magazine as an Industry ‘mover & shaker’, the Wright Scoop – Sylvia Hoehns Wright seeks to inspire people to celebrate their eco-life, create a legacy of CARE, a perspective of conservation, accountability, recovery and eco-efficiency – "green" America’s landscape! To learn more about Wright’s eco activities or acquire a copy of her newly published book Eco-legacy – a millennium woman’s heritage visit web site www.TheWrightScoop.com or follow Twitter ID, Wright Scoop or Face-book group, The Wright Scoop.
The Wright Scoop
Sylvia Hoehns Wright
Sylvia Hoehns Wright
