Global Economic and Social Unrest Triggers New Social Media Website:

Widespread economic and social unrest has given rise to a new rant website intended to act as a vehicle for those who need to have their say about the things they feel are going wrong in their lives.

London, United Kingdom, February 04, 2013 --( UK-based, English-language website,, gives site users the opportunity to shout-out about the things around them that are causing negativity, frustration and downright anger at a time when many are suffering from worries and uncertainties about the many side-effects of economic downturn – in addition to the usual problems in life.

The site enables users to pass comment on any issues that are affecting their lives – from the performance of the Government and their local councils, to job losses, depleted pensions, crime, rising childcare and fuel costs, to what’s annoying them at work, on the roads, on the sports fields – anything that they just want to get off their chests. Contributions – or ‘rages’ – then effectively compete for popularity amongst those of other site users, the highest-scored comments appearing in ‘Top-20 charts’ that are then forwarded to the offices of the relevant regulatory and governing ‘watchdogs’ and any other potentially interested and influential parties.

A spokesperson for the site commented: “Rage-against is for individuals and groups who are fed-up with being part of the ‘silent majority’, either because the right forum isn’t there, or is too narrow and limited in its influence, or because they can be so easily ignored by the powers that be, particularly if their grievances are just not newsworthy or ‘sexy’ enough. It’s not a campaigning website in its own right, just a vehicle for individuals and groups who want other people to know that they’ve had enough, or maybe need to gather a following amongst the like-minded so that their views can be amplified.

“What it’s not …is another WikiLeaks-style, ‘whistle-blower’ site or somewhere where people can bore others to death with academic ramblings on their life-long personal ‘hobby-horses’. It’s more about normal people just letting-fly with the things that are driving them completely up-the-wall at that moment in time. And they only get 150 words to do it in – which we think is enough to get a short, sharp point across, without turning site-users off. They’ll also be able to upload or link to imagery and video clips that support the point they’re making.

“In terms of using the power of social media to make a statement – and maybe make a difference – it’s got serious motives, but delivered in quite a fun way. We’re hoping that people will take to it and spread the word. If ‘letting off steam’ is in any way therapeutic, perhaps we’ll be doing our bit as a public service? Discuss.” goes live on 1st February 2013. It will initially be an English-language-only site for users aged 18-years or over. Contributions to the site can be made anonymously and are uncensored.

Further details are available from or by visiting
Rage-Against Ltd
Rodney Rage
00447789 075131