Tour Guide Discovers New Social Networking Marketing Secret:

Melbourne, Australia, August 02, 2007 --( Being a nominee on, a new social reward and recognition space is turning into a marketing dream for Helen Van Den Berg, a tour guide operating from the small remote town of Loch Sport in Australia. Helen’s profile as 1 of the1000best has seen her inundated with tributes and boosts from her clients, all with one very clear message that Helen is the best tour guide in the world.

Helen’s nomination as 1 of the 1000 best tour guides in the world was gifted to her by friends as a way of rewarding, recognising and saying thank you. This gift gave her a Personal Space page on the1000best where Helen profiled herself, her own newly launched web site and her tour operator business. As well as the profile, the website also encourages ongoing positive reinforcement for nominees by giving people the ability to ‘boost’ their favourite nominees on a daily basis and to send tribute messages. It is the tribute messages that are paying off handsomely for Helen. “I have been overwhelmed by the tributes I have received and I have been on a constant high with all the positive feedback. This website has to be the ultimate marketing tool - this type of marketing is priceless and it’s lead to an amazing amount of traffic to my own website”. takes social networking in a totally new direction. Rather than just providing a platform to connect people, goes the next step by offering a gift of social reward and recognition. Generally, anyone can join a social network for free however to get connected on someone must value you enough to purchase a gift nomination and nominate you as 1 of the1000best in the world (according to you). People with business interests and who are fortunate and worthy of nomination then have a very public platform to market themselves by way of sharing the positive experiences of their clients with the world. Referral systems like this are worth their weight in gold.

Savvy business owners can also nominate their employees or business teams and use the power of social networking and social recognition to both reward their people and gain valuable positive advertising. This is a form of synergistic marketing, in which the business is linked to positive values and social appreciation. As Grant Soosalu, one of the developers of commented “Social Networking is a huge and growing phenomenon, and now provides a fantastic mechanism for showcasing your business by linking your people into this network of value”.

Grant Soosalu