Private Docket, a Quickly Growing Business Consultancy to Small Law Firms, Announces Its National Expansion to Serve Practices throughout the United States

Developed in 2012 by veteran attorney Kristine Burr, Private Docket is one of the nation’s most respected and fastest growing law practice consultant firms with expertise in areas including legal issues, and developing business, technology, web, marketing and media relations strategy.

Burley, ID, February 12, 2013 --( Private Docket, one of the nation’s leading law practice accelerators that provides consultancy and implements business strategy at single attorney practices and small law firms, announced today that it has expanded nationally and is now serving clients throughout the United States. In addition to announcing the company’s expansion, Private Docket also has launched its newly designed comprehensive website that serves as its primary online portal for clients who subscribe to one of the company’s consultancy service plans.

Private Docket provides small law firms with strategies for growing their practices and business guidance to new and established practices whose leaders seek ways to create operational efficiencies, implement technology to improve business procedures and to establish themselves as legal experts in the communities in which they serve.

Additionally, Private Docket leverages the expertise of its legal, business, tech, web and media consultants to create innovative business and operational strategies for small law practices so they can grow within their markets and expand their business’ footprints.

“Private Docket was launched to fill a clear need: Help small law practices become more efficient and profitable. We have developed effective, integrated business strategies that, when implemented, drive more business and help them generate revenue,” said Kristine Burr, founder and chief executive officer of Private Docket. “Our services are based on decades of experience in business and the practice of law, as well as having served countless organizations to become the clear leaders in their respective markets.”

According to Burr, Private Docket is built upon three tenants:

• To be effective – Private Docket helps its new and subscribed clients grow their practices and develop effective business strategy for long-term growth
• To be available – Private Dockets’ industry experts are available to advise and offer professional consultation as needed or required
• To stand out – Private Docket develops “QuickStart” strategies so that its clients get noticed and get hired and get them on track right away.

Burr, a lawyer for nearly two decades, has written and developed business software to assist practices streamline their internal business operations; she has led marketing and creative initiatives to improve brand awareness for practices and clients; and she has consulted hundreds of attorneys who have needed guidance for growing their practices.

Private Docket’s team addresses each client’s need and are able to craft customized business strategies for each firm served, as well offer clients QuickStart strategies that help them achieve results immediately, Burr said.

In addition to providing growth and development strategies to its clients, Private Dockets’ specialties also include:

• Implementing law practice management strategies
• Conducting search engine optimization programs and Internet marketing campaigns
• Increasing the reputation and visibility of attorneys and their practices
• Media and public relations campaign development and program management
• Technology optimization for solo and small practices

Private Docket’s new website, in addition to serving as the central hub for communication between the company’s consultants and its clients, also hosts a plethora of information including articles related to running, managing and growing a law practice, and webinars, recorded information about best business practices and issues to consider when starting a new practice.

“Every small law practice faces similar issues throughout the course of its existence, but most small practices don’t have the in-house experience or expertise to address these issues,” said Burr. “Private Docket helps practices address all of its business and operational issues so its employees can handle its own most important priorities – its clients and their cases.”

Private Docket’s services are available on an hourly basis as needed or can be contracted through a retainer agreement. Level of retainer determines the level of services provided.

Private Docket is a private consultancy developed in 2012. For more about the company, pricing and its services, visit or call 800-558-7058.

About Private Docket
Private Docket is the nation’s premiere law practice accelerator that works with attorneys to position their practices as leaders in their respective communities. Private Docket leverages the expertise of legal, business, technology, media and Internet professionals to help develop and implement cutting-edge business strategies to small law firms throughout the United States. The company works with attorneys and small practices to better manage their practices, increase their influence, expand their markets and grow their bottom lines.
Private Docket
Kristine Burr