The Association Of Professional Animal Waste Specialsit
March Dog Doody Defrost Warning -It’s Melting, Melting...
Santa Clarita, CA, February 18, 2013 --( March Dog Doody Defrost Warning
It’s Melting, Melting
Pet waste poses immediate health hazard.
Important message for all pet owners. The 2013 Spring thaw is about to begin. would like to stress the importance of cleaning up your pet’s piles before they become an ecological nightmare to your community.
In 1994, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognized pet waste as a major contributor of Nonpoint Source Pollution (NPS) and as such, the runoff from pet waste will continue to produce harmful effects on our drinking water supply, recreation, fisheries and wildlife unless we all work together in our communities to reduce and prevent this pollution from occurring. In 2012, The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) estimates that there were over 43.3 million pet dogs in the US. Given that an average sized dog will produce approximately a half pound of poop in a single day, the runoff of over 4 million tons of pet waste per year leeching into our water supply is a preventable disaster to our communities. Without clean water, we cannot survive!
Pet waste is Not Fertilizer. According to the USDA, it should not be used on crops grown for human consumption.” Pet waste can pose a serious health hazard. A number of common parasites, including roundworm, are transmitted via dog feces. When infected dog droppings are left on the ground the eggs of the roundworms and other parasites can linger in the soil for years. As a result, anyone who comes in contact with the soil also comes in contact with the infected eggs. Children run the greatest risk of infection because they’re prone to play in the dirt at the park or playground and then put their hands in their mouths or rub their eyes with their hands. But even a group of teens or adults playing Frisbee or touch football in an open area could be in danger. Parasitic infections can make humans extremely sick, and for pregnant women – can pose a serious harm to their unborn child. It’s no joke!
The Association of Professional Animal Waste Specialists (, cleans pet waste from residential and commercial properties. We urge you to reduce your dog’s carbon paw print by cleaning up his waste as soon as possible, before it causes harm to our environment. If you don’t have the time, inclination, or energy, then please call a professional to perform this needed service for you.
It’s Melting, Melting
Pet waste poses immediate health hazard.
Important message for all pet owners. The 2013 Spring thaw is about to begin. would like to stress the importance of cleaning up your pet’s piles before they become an ecological nightmare to your community.
In 1994, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognized pet waste as a major contributor of Nonpoint Source Pollution (NPS) and as such, the runoff from pet waste will continue to produce harmful effects on our drinking water supply, recreation, fisheries and wildlife unless we all work together in our communities to reduce and prevent this pollution from occurring. In 2012, The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) estimates that there were over 43.3 million pet dogs in the US. Given that an average sized dog will produce approximately a half pound of poop in a single day, the runoff of over 4 million tons of pet waste per year leeching into our water supply is a preventable disaster to our communities. Without clean water, we cannot survive!
Pet waste is Not Fertilizer. According to the USDA, it should not be used on crops grown for human consumption.” Pet waste can pose a serious health hazard. A number of common parasites, including roundworm, are transmitted via dog feces. When infected dog droppings are left on the ground the eggs of the roundworms and other parasites can linger in the soil for years. As a result, anyone who comes in contact with the soil also comes in contact with the infected eggs. Children run the greatest risk of infection because they’re prone to play in the dirt at the park or playground and then put their hands in their mouths or rub their eyes with their hands. But even a group of teens or adults playing Frisbee or touch football in an open area could be in danger. Parasitic infections can make humans extremely sick, and for pregnant women – can pose a serious harm to their unborn child. It’s no joke!
The Association of Professional Animal Waste Specialists (, cleans pet waste from residential and commercial properties. We urge you to reduce your dog’s carbon paw print by cleaning up his waste as soon as possible, before it causes harm to our environment. If you don’t have the time, inclination, or energy, then please call a professional to perform this needed service for you.
Deb Levy
Deb Levy
