New Report of Evidence Shows MediPlus Brand Performs at Same Level as Current in-Use Advanced Wound Dressings

Case Studies Compared Alginate, Hydrocolloid, Film, Foam, and Surgical Dressings

Atlanta, GA, February 22, 2013 --( MediPurpose(tm), a manufacturer and master distributor of medical products, today published a report that revealed findings from recent clinical evaluations representative of its MediPlus(tm) Advanced Wound Care products.

According to the evidence report, MediPlus wound dressings performed at or above the same level as current dressings being used in nursing homes, demonstrating evidence of MediPlus' product efficacy.†

"A Case Study of Product Performance From Two Nursing Homes" compared overall clinical performance characteristics of six MediPlus wound dressing categories to current in-use advanced wound care dressings in the alternate site. The wound dressing categories included:

* MediPlus(tm) Alginates
* MediPlus(tm) Hydrocolloids
* MediPlus(tm) Hydrocolloid Foam
* MediPlus(tm) Super Foams
* MediPlus(tm) Surgical Composites
* MediPlus(tm) Transparent PU Films

Key performance characteristics included:

* Edge lift
* Wear time
* Conformability
* Ease of application
* Comfort and ease of removal
* Absorbance and exudate management

"The evaluation of specific product characteristics that drive product selection by the end-user is a key factor in demonstrating MediPlus' overall quality and value," said MediPurpose's Advanced Wound Care Marketing Manager Valerie Johnson. "With the primary goal of performance equivalency being met, this portfolio of wound dressings has become the basis of the new Value Plus Program now being offered by MediPurpose."

About MediPlus Advanced Wound Care

MediPurpose introduced the MediPlus Advanced Wound Care product portfolio in March 2011. The MediPlus product line is positioned to provide high-quality products at prices that allow suppliers to extend the cost savings to their customers -- reducing their spending and improving their overall budget allocation.

"Advanced wound care products typically consume a major portion of the healthcare-purchasing budget," said Johnson. "While the cost of advanced wound dressings is derived in greater part from overhead costs such as corporate overhead, MediPurpose is a virtual company structured to eliminate acquisition costs so that savings can be passed on to both the supplier and end-user."

The MediPlus Advanced Wound Care product line currently features:

* Alginates

* Foams
MediPlus(tm) Foam
MediPlus(tm) Comfort Foam
MediPlus(tm) Super Foam
MediPlus(tm) HC Foam
MediPlus(tm) HC Super Foam

* Silver Foams
MediPlus(tm) Foam Ag+
MediPlus(tm) Comfort Foam Border Ag+
MediPlus(tm) Super Foam Ag+

* Hydrocolloids
MediPlus(tm) HC
MediPlus(tm) HC Thin
MediPlus(tm) HC Comfort

* Hydrogels
MediPlus(tm) BarrierGel
MediPlus(tm) BarrierGel Comfort

* Pads/Composites
MediPlus(tm) PE Pad

* Surgical
MediPlus(tm) PU Pad
MediPlus(tm) Surgical

* Thin Films
MediPlus(tm) PU Film
MediPlus(tm) PU Frame

To download the case study, please visit

For more information about MediPlus -- including no-cost product sample requests -- please visit

† Data on file.

About MediPurpose

Founded in 1999, MediPurpose is an innovative medical device company headquartered in Singapore, with offices in the United States and Europe.

Known for its popular babyLance(tm) safety heelstick, SurgiLance(tm) safety lancet and MediPlus(tm) advanced wound care products, MediPurpose has leveraged its success in the medical device industry to become a master medical product distributor that provides unique solutions for both medical product manufacturers and distributors.

MediPurpose's Medical Device Innovation division offers angel funding and developmental expertise for new medical device inventors and innovative medical product companies that seek entrance into new medical device markets.

For more information about MediPurpose's medical products and solutions for inventors, innovators, manufacturers and distributors, please visit
Derek Rudnak