Mitch Egan Slate Reveals His Personal and Sometimes Humorous Search to Find a Purpose in Life While Understanding the Reasons for Death in His New Book

For Mitch Egan Slate a bigger mystery than life itself was accepting the fact that someday it will end. Or, does it? Mitch was reluctant to put his thoughts and experiences down on paper for fear of what family and friends might think. Mitch feared that his "image" would be ruined. What was more important was sharing his experiences with others in the hopes that they would find the same comfort in the answers to his questions that he did. The book is entitled “Dying’s Not What it’s Cracked Up to Be!” and is written from the perspective of Mitch Egan Slate.

Green Cove Springs, FL, March 02, 2013 --( “Dying's Not What it’s Cracked Up to Be!”

New author Mitch Egan Slate grew up with a huge fear of death while searching for his purpose in life. He asked himself many times how he got behind his eyes and not somebody else’s. How can something as complicated as creating life be suddenly and easily taken away? What is life and does it really end at death? In order to understand death and dying, Mitch first had to understand life itself.

While growing up, Mitch experienced family and friends dying and had no answers to explain the age old question of, “why?” That was, until December 2000 when Mitch had a personal experience with death. At the time, Mitch didn’t realize what had happened to him. It was at the funeral service for his sister, six months later, when it suddenly hit Mitch and a calming feeling flowed through his veins. He finally found the answer to his biggest question. He had been in Heaven that day in December 2000. There was no other way to explain it. Death really isn’t an end. Death is only the beginning!

Mitch has also written, “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reservoir”. He lives in Green Cove Springs, Florida with his wife, two cats, one turtle, six Labrador retrievers, six goats and one very large Percheron gelding named “Duncan”.
Mitch Egan Slate
Michael Clark