Michael Allen Accomplishes the Remarkable in Latest Novel

Michael Allen’s new novel is a complete metaphor he wrote entirely with his daughter in mind. The story explores the life of a single father who ends up in a coma for nine years after a near fatal accident, only to awaken with amnesia.

Clearwater, FL, March 10, 2013 --(PR.com)-- A River in the Ocean gave Michael Allen the proper platform he needed to write a metaphor that his daughter could understand. Every detail in the story is a direct comparison to what their lives are really like together. From the times they spend apart to the moments they share together, Michael Allen’s love for his daughter prompted him to explain their world in words she could relate. It is a special gift no one else can ever give her.

Most metaphors are completed in simple sentences and some are even extended into larger pieces such as poems. But, an entire novel as a metaphor has never been achieved. “It was a major undertaking and it took some time to map out entirely,” Michael Allen said. He went on to explain, “Each piece of the puzzle has to be interpreted and finding a logical comparison that fits within the story’s framework was a unique write that was very challenging.”

Broken relationships, what defines a family and innate connections are some of the issues inherent in the novel. As the little girl in the story grows up surrounded by people who are technically strangers, they become her family. The protagonist in the story doesn’t know he’s looking for someone and his daughter doesn’t know she needs to be found. It’s a drama, but with comedy to light the way.

Michael Allen lives in Clearwater, Florida where he and his daughter have enjoyed some very special moments. He is also the author of the novel “A Danger to Society,” the children’s book “When You Miss Me” and the book of poetry “Thoughts and Reconsideration.”

A River in the Ocean - http://www.amazon.com/River-Ocean-Michael-Allen/dp/1482323400
Michael Allen