Environmentalist Releases Historical Fiction Novel About the Environment

Environmentalist, Mr. Leslie Duguid is pleased to announce the promotion of his book, No Where to Go. This historical fiction tale about the destruction of the environment mixes fact with fiction for an intriguing read.

New York, NY, March 15, 2013 --(PR.com)-- The word fiction is used in the sense that man has yet to establish a moon base or travel in a manned vehicle into outer space but in light of existing technology and the principles of physics, it may only be a matter of time before we are capable of doing these. The final chapter is about morality. Did we choose to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the goings on at this planet of ours and let our precious jewel die as others before?

"No Where to Go" offers a view of the world in peril because of wars, differences in ideology, religion and greed. A chysm has been created wherby nations are bent on destruction with no common purpose to resolve the meltdown of the ecology. Destruction of the environment continues unabated. Can mankind not see the world has polarized into camps each at a standoff because of greed for the almighty oil and the need to be first. Exploitation of resources can destroy us possibly before an asteroid.

Conventional wisdom no longer has a purpose. As the planet warms all indigenous creatures are in peril. Can a solution be found?

Book Information:
No Where to Go
Author: Leslie Duguid
Publisher: Lulu.com
ISBN: 978-0557012893
Pages: 268

About The Author:
Mr. Leslie Duguid lives in Saint Lambert, Quebec, Canada has a B.Sc and is an environmentalist with a science fiction approach to hoping a future is possible for Earth.

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact the author at:

Leslie Duguid
E-mail: duguid1@videotron.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leslie.duguid

Available in both print and ebook format, No Where to Go is available for purchase online from the publisher, Amazon.com, BN.com, and other online retailers.
Leslie Duguid
706 509 8422