The Supernatural Fantasy Noir Thriller Living Shadow Originated in the Author's Dreams

Living Shadow, a supernatural fantasy noir thriller, came from a recurring dream and author, Maria Soriano had to tell the story.

Valley Village, CA, March 20, 2013 --( Nothing appears to be what it seems. Decipher the mystery by delving into Angela's gripping supernatural world.

Fifteen-year-old Angela must choose between two paths. Should she graduate to the prestigious university located in the distant luminescent Higher Lands or should she give in to the temptation to follow her cool and new exciting friends, Jagger and his gang of Shadows, barbarians from the dark and dangerous Lower Lands? Having been kept a secret from her family by her mother, Angela realizes that, if she graduates, the transition will take her even farther away from them. Jagger and the Shadows promise Angela that they will unite her with her family, only if she joins them. Little does Angela know that Jagger, filled with lust, intends to drag Angela down to the Lower Lands, and Angela may never come back.

"The story of Living Shadow, my supernatural thriller novel, came from a dream," Maria Soriano said. "In fact, many of my stories have originated from dreams. I see in a dream, a scene, an image, only for an instant. I usually wake up, if I am to remember it. Through that one vision, I can create a whole story."

Book Information:
Living Shadow
Author: Maria Soriano
Publisher: Artists Chemistry
Published: February 2012

About The Author:
Maria Soriano was a professional dancer for many years before becoming a writer. She studied flamenco, ballet and jazz and traveled as a soloist throughout the U.S., Central America, the Caribbean and Europe. Although she has a dancer's spirit, her passion is writing. As a journalist, she wrote for several publications. Besides being a novelist, she is a playwright and screenwriter. Being a story-teller, Soriano loves to write in many genres, i.e. action-adventure, supernatural and psychological thrillers, comedy, family drama and fantasy adventure. Her stories portray ordinary people who face difficult situations and become extraordinary. Soriano is a produced playwright and screenwriter. She was quarter-finalists, semi-finalists and first place winner in several contests. She is a member of the Dramatists Guild of America and The Alliance of Los Angeles Playwrights.

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact:

Maria Soriano

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