War Veteran and Univeristy Professor Dr. Toftoy Announces His Book, Eyes of Cold Case Killers

Professor and Vietnam veteran, Dr. Charles Toftoy is pleased to announce the promotion of his suspenseful thriller, Eyes of Cold Case Killers.

Arlington, VA, March 20, 2013 --(PR.com)-- University professor and sometimes sleuth, Lars Neilsen, along with his highly skilled Alpha Team are together again to help local police solve cold cases. They pursue an intelligent vicious murderer, Taurus, who has at least 20 cold cases to his credit.

Taurus, nick-name for the killer, has a track record of murders from Buffalo, Albany, Philadelphia to the Washington, D.C. Metro area. His modus operandi is mostly strangulation---placing a plastic bag over the head of his victims.

D.C.'s heightened restlessness is reminiscent of the post 9/11, snipers, and anthrax scares. Everyone is walking on pins and needles, particularly in the Northern Virginia region. Taurus baffles the police as he commits one horrific murder after another, spreading fear along the way. The entire nation watches.

Eyes of Cold Case Killers is available in print and ebook versions. This is the second book following sleuth, Lars Neilsen. The first was Toftoy’s, It's In The Eyes (ISBN: 978-1432711962)

Toftoy has received several awards for his books including, Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, Author of the Month from Books In Sync, Best Book Trailer Award, Best Book Cover Award and more.

Book Information:
Eyes of Cold Case Killers
Author: Charles Toftoy
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 978-1461010135
Pages: 364

About The Author:
Dr. Charles Toftoy has worked in the military, corporate, and academic sectors. A highly decorated US Army Vietnam veteran, Graduate of West Point and has an MBA and Doctorate in strategic planning. He taught in The Business School, George Washington University, for 17 years and is now Emeritus from GWU. He has received numerous academic, corporate and military awards (including 2 Purple Hearts) and honors.

Dr. Toftoy donates a portion of the book profits to Heroes,Inc. Heroes, Inc. is dedicated to aid families of law enforcement officers and fire fighters who have died in the line of duty in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. This organization provides a full paid scholarship to every child left behind by the fallen police officers and fire fighters.

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact the author at:

Dr. Charles Toftoy
E-mail: casb@gwu.edu
Website: http://www.charlestoftoy.com

Eyes of Cold Case Killers is available for purchase online through the author’s website, from the publisher, Amazon.com, BN.com and other online retailers. Bookstores should contact Ingram for wholesale orders.
Charles Toftoy