Washington State Approves Biologix Solutions Online HIV Training for Healthcare Professionals Seeking License to Practice
Biologix Solutions LLC offers Washington State Department of Health approved online mandatory HIV/AIDS 7 Hours, 4 Hours, 3 Hours and 2 Hours training for all healthcare professionals.
Seattle, WA, April 12, 2013 --(PR.com)-- Biologix Solutions LLC, a leader in online continuing education for nursing, dental, medical, physical therapy, occupational therapy and other healthcare professionals offers Washington State Department of Health approved online mandatory HIV/AIDS 7 Hours, 4 Hours, 3 Hours and 2 Hours training for all healthcare professionals.
If you work as a health care professional or in a state licensed or certified health care facility in Washington, you must have AIDS training. In order to get a license, certification or registration to practice a regulated health care profession in Washington State, you are required to have AIDS education (RCW 70.24.270 and WAC 246-12-260, WAC 246-12-270).
Biologix Solutions LLC’s all courses are online self-instructional independent study courses, allow you to work at your own pace and you can study when it is convenient. You can choose to finish them quickly or slowly, whatever fits your current life style. There is no limit to the number of times a participant may re-take the exam in order to obtain passing score.
Three Very Simple Steps:
1. Select course - Signup online
2. Receive course link by email (24/7 Access)
3. Submit score - Receive printable certificate
HIV/AIDS Course Signup: http://blxtraining.com/Washington/
Biologix Solutions LLC’s HIV Course is approved for following professionals.
Advanced Emergency Medical Technician, Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner, Affiliate Sex Offender Treatment Provider, Agency Affiliated Counselor, Animal Control Agencies and Non-profit Humane Societies, Animal Massage Practitioner, Athletic Trainer, Audiologist, Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist, Certified Adviser, Certified Counselor, Chemical Dependency Professional, Chemical Dependency Professional Trainee, Chiropractic X-Ray Technician, Chiropractor, Controlled Substance Researcher, Dental Assistant, Dental Hygienist, Dentist, Denturist, Dietitian and Nutritionist, Dispensing Optician, Dispensing Optician Apprentice, East Asian Medicine Practitioner, Emergency Medical Technician, Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary, First Responder/Emergency Medical Responder, Genetic Counselor, Health Care Assistant, Hearing Instrument Fitter/Dispenser, Home Care Aide, Hypnotherapist, Licensed Practical Nurse, Marriage and Family Therapist, Marriage and Family Therapy Associate, Massage Practitioner, Mental Health Counselor, Mental Health Counselor Associate, Midwife, Naturopath, Nursing Assistant – Certified, Nursing Assistant – Registered, Nursing Home Administrator, Nursing Pools, Nursing Technician, Occupational Therapist, Occupational Therapist Assistant, Ocularist, Ocularist Apprentice, Optometrist, Orthotics/Prosthetics, Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon, Osteopathic Physician Assistant, Paramedics, Pharmacies and Other Pharmaceutical Firms, Pharmacist, Pharmacy Assistant, Pharmacy Intern, Pharmacy Technician, Physical Therapist, Physical Therapist Assistant, Physician and Surgeon, Physician Assistant, Podiatric Physician and Surgeon, Psychologist, Radiologic Technologist, Radiologist Assistant, Recreational Therapist, Registered Nurse, Respiratory Care Practitioner, Retired Volunteer Medical Worker, Sex Offender Treatment Provider, Social Worker, Licensed Social Worker Associate – Advanced, Licensed Social Worker Associate - Independent Clinical, Speech-Language Pathologist, Speech-Language Pathology Assistant, Surgical Technologist, Veterinarian, Veterinary Medication Clerk, Veterinary Technician, and X-Ray Technician.
If you work as a health care professional or in a state licensed or certified health care facility in Washington, you must have AIDS training. In order to get a license, certification or registration to practice a regulated health care profession in Washington State, you are required to have AIDS education (RCW 70.24.270 and WAC 246-12-260, WAC 246-12-270).
Biologix Solutions LLC’s all courses are online self-instructional independent study courses, allow you to work at your own pace and you can study when it is convenient. You can choose to finish them quickly or slowly, whatever fits your current life style. There is no limit to the number of times a participant may re-take the exam in order to obtain passing score.
Three Very Simple Steps:
1. Select course - Signup online
2. Receive course link by email (24/7 Access)
3. Submit score - Receive printable certificate
HIV/AIDS Course Signup: http://blxtraining.com/Washington/
Biologix Solutions LLC’s HIV Course is approved for following professionals.
Advanced Emergency Medical Technician, Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner, Affiliate Sex Offender Treatment Provider, Agency Affiliated Counselor, Animal Control Agencies and Non-profit Humane Societies, Animal Massage Practitioner, Athletic Trainer, Audiologist, Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist, Certified Adviser, Certified Counselor, Chemical Dependency Professional, Chemical Dependency Professional Trainee, Chiropractic X-Ray Technician, Chiropractor, Controlled Substance Researcher, Dental Assistant, Dental Hygienist, Dentist, Denturist, Dietitian and Nutritionist, Dispensing Optician, Dispensing Optician Apprentice, East Asian Medicine Practitioner, Emergency Medical Technician, Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary, First Responder/Emergency Medical Responder, Genetic Counselor, Health Care Assistant, Hearing Instrument Fitter/Dispenser, Home Care Aide, Hypnotherapist, Licensed Practical Nurse, Marriage and Family Therapist, Marriage and Family Therapy Associate, Massage Practitioner, Mental Health Counselor, Mental Health Counselor Associate, Midwife, Naturopath, Nursing Assistant – Certified, Nursing Assistant – Registered, Nursing Home Administrator, Nursing Pools, Nursing Technician, Occupational Therapist, Occupational Therapist Assistant, Ocularist, Ocularist Apprentice, Optometrist, Orthotics/Prosthetics, Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon, Osteopathic Physician Assistant, Paramedics, Pharmacies and Other Pharmaceutical Firms, Pharmacist, Pharmacy Assistant, Pharmacy Intern, Pharmacy Technician, Physical Therapist, Physical Therapist Assistant, Physician and Surgeon, Physician Assistant, Podiatric Physician and Surgeon, Psychologist, Radiologic Technologist, Radiologist Assistant, Recreational Therapist, Registered Nurse, Respiratory Care Practitioner, Retired Volunteer Medical Worker, Sex Offender Treatment Provider, Social Worker, Licensed Social Worker Associate – Advanced, Licensed Social Worker Associate - Independent Clinical, Speech-Language Pathologist, Speech-Language Pathology Assistant, Surgical Technologist, Veterinarian, Veterinary Medication Clerk, Veterinary Technician, and X-Ray Technician.
Biologix Solutions LLC
Sree Muppa
Sree Muppa
