Miracle League Home Run Derby at the Green Monster to Benefit the Family of Kyle McCabe

Delray Beach, FL, March 28, 2013 --(PR.com)-- A Home Run Derby will take place on April 6, 2013 at 10:00am to benefit the family of Kyle McCabe at the Green Monster, Little Fenway Field located in Robert P. Miller Park in Delray Beach, FL (1905 SW 4th Ave.).

Kyle was just 21 when he passed a few weeks ago. He was born with "Tuberous Sclerosis," a genetic disorder that causes tumors to form in many different organs, primarily in the brain, eyes, heart, kidney, skin and lungs. Kyle was severely handicapped; he could not talk, walk, or use his arms. He lived on a feeding tube.

His parents tell the story of the day Kyle was born; the hospital told them to put him in an institution and forget about him because he would just lay there for the rest of his life. Nancy & Kevin McCabe could do no such thing. Instead, they cared for him and loved him 24/7.

Just recently, they had to fight to keep social security benefits to help with the cost of his care. They hadn’t received any benefits for two years. They also had to go up against the school district because the district wouldn't cover his education when Kyle turned 21.

The McCabes are a very loving and faithful family. The event being held on April 6th at 10:00am at the Green Monster in Robert P. Miller Park in Delray Beach and will help benefit the McCabes and celebrate Kyle’s life.

Kyle not only played baseball with the Miracle League of Delray Beach, FL he played in the Special Olympics, enjoyed Bowling, and Tops Soccer.

The McCabes traveled quite a bit and brought Kyle to many concerts. He loved music.

His long time buddy, Andrew Flint, said it best “To the bravest young man I have ever known. Thank you, Kyle, for being such an inspiration in my life. There is not a person who has met you who has not been moved by you. I have learned so much from you, and I will never forget you. You are my hero, and I will miss you very much. Rest peacefully, my buddy. Watch over us from heaven. God Bless!”

For more information and to register please go to www.MLDBHomeRunDerby.com
Miracle League of Delray Beach, FL
Jeff Kadel
Wayne Marnell