Indiana Court Rules 2013 Now Available from Summit Legal Publishing
With an affordable price, comprehensive indexing, print and ebook formats, links to online reference databases and forms, Indiana Court Rules 2013 includes everything needed for practice in Indiana
Akron, OH, April 08, 2013 --( Summit Legal Publishing proudly unveils its newest release -- Indiana Court Rules 2013. Indiana Court Rules 2013 is current through March 15, 2013 and includes, among other amendments, the most recent updates to the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines effective March 1, 2013. These updates are not included in other Indiana court rules publications. The volume has a single unified index, which means no hunting through separate indexes for all the references to terms that appear in multiple sets of rules. Indiana Court Rules 2013 provides free access to our online collection of downloadable, printable, full-size versions of all Indiana court rule forms, as well as the full text of all Indiana court rule amendments effective from 2009 to date.
The full text of the following rules are contained in Indiana Court Rules 2013: Rules of Trial Procedure, Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rules of Appellate Procedure, Rules of Evidence, Rules of Trial De Novo, Rules of Post-Conviction Remedies, Jury Rules, Rules of Procedure for Original Actions Writs of Mandate and Prohibition, Interpreter Code of Conduct and Procedure & Disciplinary Process for Certified Court Interpreters & Candidates for Interpreter Certification, Tax Court Rules, Small Claims, Rules for Alternate Dispute Resolution, Administrative Rules, Rules for Admission to the Bar and the Discipline of Attorneys, Rules of Professional Conduct, Code of Judicial Conduct, Parenting Time Guidelines and Child Support Rules and Guidelines.
Available from Summit Legal Publishing as a high quality, perfect bound, soft cover book, Indiana Court Rules 2013 has larger typeface and a single-column format making the material easier to read and use. This edition is also available in a PDF version and as ebook editions for Kindle, Nook and Electronic versions of Indiana Court Rules 2013 contain linked tables of contents and side navigation panes making searches simple and efficient.
Summit Legal Publishing offers affordable, top quality materials by taking advantage of modern technology and streamlined business practices. The Editorial Board is comprised of five Managing Editors with over 60 years of combined experience in the legal publishing industry. All hold J.D. degrees. The editorial staff consists of graduates of accredited U.S. law schools, and all editorial work is performed in the United States. Summit Legal Publishing has offices in Akron, Ohio and does not outsource any work to foreign data processing or technical support centers.
Summit Legal Publishing LLC
265 South Main Street, Suite 101
Akron, Ohio 44308
(330) 217-5358
Please contact Managing Editor Lori Hlucky at or submit your inquiry to
The full text of the following rules are contained in Indiana Court Rules 2013: Rules of Trial Procedure, Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rules of Appellate Procedure, Rules of Evidence, Rules of Trial De Novo, Rules of Post-Conviction Remedies, Jury Rules, Rules of Procedure for Original Actions Writs of Mandate and Prohibition, Interpreter Code of Conduct and Procedure & Disciplinary Process for Certified Court Interpreters & Candidates for Interpreter Certification, Tax Court Rules, Small Claims, Rules for Alternate Dispute Resolution, Administrative Rules, Rules for Admission to the Bar and the Discipline of Attorneys, Rules of Professional Conduct, Code of Judicial Conduct, Parenting Time Guidelines and Child Support Rules and Guidelines.
Available from Summit Legal Publishing as a high quality, perfect bound, soft cover book, Indiana Court Rules 2013 has larger typeface and a single-column format making the material easier to read and use. This edition is also available in a PDF version and as ebook editions for Kindle, Nook and Electronic versions of Indiana Court Rules 2013 contain linked tables of contents and side navigation panes making searches simple and efficient.
Summit Legal Publishing offers affordable, top quality materials by taking advantage of modern technology and streamlined business practices. The Editorial Board is comprised of five Managing Editors with over 60 years of combined experience in the legal publishing industry. All hold J.D. degrees. The editorial staff consists of graduates of accredited U.S. law schools, and all editorial work is performed in the United States. Summit Legal Publishing has offices in Akron, Ohio and does not outsource any work to foreign data processing or technical support centers.
Summit Legal Publishing LLC
265 South Main Street, Suite 101
Akron, Ohio 44308
(330) 217-5358
Please contact Managing Editor Lori Hlucky at or submit your inquiry to
Summit Legal Publishing
Lori Hlucky
Lori Hlucky
