Publication of Free Gardening Guide

This book is the hand-holding garden guide that will walk even the most timid novice right through the gardening process from beginning to end. In addition to straight forward, practical advice in everyday language, you will love the stories and anecdotes. No matter what your skill level, there are simple explanations, tips, and tricks that will walk you through every aspect of the garden process: choosing a location, understanding light and drainage issues, fertilizing, composting, and more.

Blairsville, GA, May 16, 2013 --( Sarah Olver, of Young Harris, GA, published an e-book this week entitled "Garden Guide - A No Nonsense, No PhD Guide to Great Gardens With Hand-Holding How To's for Beginners And Straightforward Instruction for Advanced Gardeners."

It will be available free on Amazon on May 14th and from May 17th to May 19th at (you can find it by searching for "olver garden" at

We’ve all admired our neighbor’s gorgeous gardens filled with flowering perennials and longed to recreate their beauty in our own back yard. But if we’re being honest, when it comes to gardening, most of us have no idea where to begin. Additionally, in these economic times, who can afford to hire an expert to come in and do the job for us? That said, regular folks all across North America and Europe are returning to the soil, shovels in hand. With the help of this book, there is absolutely no need to fly blind into the world of green thumbs, perennials, and herbs. The name truly says it all. This book is the hand-holding garden guide that will walk even the most timid novice right through the gardening process from beginning to end.

In addition to straight forward, practical advice in everyday language, you will love the stories and anecdotes Olver shares from her fifteen years of backyard, organic gardening adventures. Easy and entertaining, you‘ll probably read this book in one sitting, but you’ll reference it for years to come. The beauty of Garden Guide is that Olver divides her advice into two sections: Beginning Gardeners and Advanced Gardeners. No matter what your skill level, there are simple explanations, tips, and tricks that will walk you through every aspect of the garden process: choosing a location, understanding both light and drainage issues, selecting plants, designing your garden, fertilizing, composting, dealing with pests and even dividing perennials.

If you have time to read only one book on gardening, this is the book to choose. Short enough not to feel like an encyclopedia and just long enough to wet your gardening appetite, Olver has woven basic garden science and practical ideas for everyday people into every page. Not only will it thoroughly educate you in basic gardening, it will send you well on your way towards beautiful perennials gardens, and leave you inspired and hungry to begin planting in your own patch of earth.
Kevin Zaleski