Words Written Well Proudly Announces Expanded Writer Base

Words Written Well, a content writing service based in Hinesburg, Vermont, is pleased to announce the addition of three new and highly educated and experienced writers to their already successful content and SEO team. These new writers bring in new strengths and talents to an already highly experienced team.

Hinesburg, VT, May 21, 2013 --(PR.com)-- Words Written Well, an online content writing service based in Hinesburg, Vermont announces the addition of three talented writers to their existing team, which consists of owners Elaine and Gayle Day. The company works in a variety of areas of writing, including SEO and article writing, editing and press release generation, branding, social media management, and more. With the addition of writers Hayley Lamberson, who recently graduated with a degree in journalism and who has experience with everything from doctoral dissertations to editing her student newspaper, the team has gained a very valuable asset. Deirdre Walsh is a college student who has been the web editor for her college newspaper and who has many areas of strength in her writing, including alternative medicine. Stefanie Monte, the third new addition to the team, specializes in press releases, proofreading, and history and manages a team of ten writers as well as serving as the owner of Roundtable Reviews.

The new team members at Words Written Well will bring clients new voices as well as offering both clients and the company the ability to find someone with the right expertise for virtually any job. The company has always taken pride in research and in providing top quality SEO content, and with new writers on board, finding the perfect person for any project has become much easier. Co-owner Elaine Day states that the new team members are a refreshing addition, and that she is incredibly pleased to learn that Vermont’s younger print journalists are willing to put their talents to use in the online world as well.

With the proud addition of a photographer, editor, reporter, and many other side jobs within these new team members, Words Written Well has never been a better choice. The company has long been committed to exceeding client expectations, and with these new additions, they are certain that they will be able to bring even greater deliverables to each and every new project. The company has attained top 150 status on a site containing more than 189,000 writing services, and with these new writers to help, things are certainly destined to move upward from here.

Businesses and members of the media who wish to learn more about the company are encouraged to visit them online at www.wordswrittenwell.com or to contact the owner directly at Gayle@wordswrittenwell.com.

Words Written Well is an online content writing service specializing in the creation of everything from E-books to articles that are tailored to the needs and desires of the individual client. The company offers a wide range of services including SEO and press releases, and offers strict adherence to deadlines, friendly communication, and strong value to every project. Their team knows that every client wants the best return on their investment, and they invest fully in every client that they work with in order to ensure that they always live up to their motto of exceeding expectations at every turn.
Words Written Well
Gayle Day