Stanford Social Innovation Review Highlights Communities In Schools Use of Hard Data and Soft Skills to Reduce Dropout Rates
Tallahassee, FL, May 23, 2013 --( Communities In Schools (CIS), the leading organization dedicated to empowering students to stay in school and achieve in life, announced today that it was featured in the summer issue of the prestigious Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) in the “What Works” column.
The article details how Communities In Schools uses a mix of hard data (research and evaluation) and soft skills (caring site coordinators) to reduce dropout rates and improve graduation rates.
Communities In Schools of Florida is part of the national Communities In Schools network. The CIS network in Florida plays a key role in addressing the state's dropout crisis, serving nearly 35,000 students and their families every year at 87 schools across 13 counties. Of those students, 99% stayed in school, 96% were promoted to the next grade, and 98% graduated on time.
“As part of the leading dropout prevention organization, I am proud to see the collective work of our network recognized by the respected SSIR,” said State Director Lois Gracey. “Communities In Schools looks forward to continuing its critical and proven work of providing Florida students with whatever it takes for them to achieve.”
The award-winning magazine, written for and by leaders in the nonprofit, business and government sectors, covers academic theory and practical ideas for achieving social change. Published at the Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society at Stanford University, SSIR views collaboration as key to solving environmental, social and economic justice issues.
“The SSIR is one of the most influential publications in the social sector, so we’re honored to be profiled,” said Communities In Schools President Dan Cardinali. “I’m particularly pleased that they recognized the unique combination of research-based practice and deeply rooted compassion that is the hallmark of our site coordinators.”
You can read the complete article here:
Lois L. Gracey
Phone: 850-201-9750
About Communities In Schools of Florida
Communities In Schools of Florida is part of the national Communities In Schools network, one of the nation’s leading dropout prevention organizations. The mission of Communities In Schools is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. Through a school-based site coordinator, Communities In Schools of Florida connects students and their families to critical community resources, tailored to local needs. Last school year, Communities In Schools of Florida served nearly 35,000 students, empowering 98% to graduate. It has been shown through an independent evaluation that Communities In Schools is the nation’s only dropout prevention organization proven to both increase graduation rates and reduce dropout rates. Visit our website at
The article details how Communities In Schools uses a mix of hard data (research and evaluation) and soft skills (caring site coordinators) to reduce dropout rates and improve graduation rates.
Communities In Schools of Florida is part of the national Communities In Schools network. The CIS network in Florida plays a key role in addressing the state's dropout crisis, serving nearly 35,000 students and their families every year at 87 schools across 13 counties. Of those students, 99% stayed in school, 96% were promoted to the next grade, and 98% graduated on time.
“As part of the leading dropout prevention organization, I am proud to see the collective work of our network recognized by the respected SSIR,” said State Director Lois Gracey. “Communities In Schools looks forward to continuing its critical and proven work of providing Florida students with whatever it takes for them to achieve.”
The award-winning magazine, written for and by leaders in the nonprofit, business and government sectors, covers academic theory and practical ideas for achieving social change. Published at the Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society at Stanford University, SSIR views collaboration as key to solving environmental, social and economic justice issues.
“The SSIR is one of the most influential publications in the social sector, so we’re honored to be profiled,” said Communities In Schools President Dan Cardinali. “I’m particularly pleased that they recognized the unique combination of research-based practice and deeply rooted compassion that is the hallmark of our site coordinators.”
You can read the complete article here:
Lois L. Gracey
Phone: 850-201-9750
About Communities In Schools of Florida
Communities In Schools of Florida is part of the national Communities In Schools network, one of the nation’s leading dropout prevention organizations. The mission of Communities In Schools is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. Through a school-based site coordinator, Communities In Schools of Florida connects students and their families to critical community resources, tailored to local needs. Last school year, Communities In Schools of Florida served nearly 35,000 students, empowering 98% to graduate. It has been shown through an independent evaluation that Communities In Schools is the nation’s only dropout prevention organization proven to both increase graduation rates and reduce dropout rates. Visit our website at
Communities In Schools of Florida
Lois Gracey
Lois Gracey
