Cambridge Introduces New ePulseLive Video Series

Chicago, IL, May 25, 2013 --( A new ePulseLive video series will augment Cambridge Realty Capital Companies’ ongoing efforts to keep its client base and corporate friends informed Chairman Jeffrey A. Davis reports.

Mr. Davis says the initiative is part of the company’s continuing efforts to better communicate with important target publics in the senior housing/healthcare community. “Each month, the video series will include a 2- 2.5 minute interview with the Chairman that focuses on company programs, industry trends and Cambridge’s corporate commitment to the community. A second feature, ‘It’s a Done Deal,’ will highlight specific deals and the unique elements Cambridge brings to each transaction,” he said.

The videos can be accessed from a link on the ePulse electronic newsletter the company distributes by email. Or it can be accessed from the company’s website ( or YouTube channel - ePulseLive.

Davis says the initial video will introduce the series, historically position Cambridge in the industry and provide the Chairman’s expectation for the industry in the year ahead. “It’s a Done Deal” will highlight a nursing home transaction that enabled an Indiana management company to move from lessee to a fee simple ownership positions without seeing real estate costs rise.
Cambridge Realty Capital Companies
Evan Washington