Phoenix Pink Pistols to Host “Training Workshop”

Phoenix, AZ, August 22, 2007 --( The Phoenix Pink Pistols will be conducting a “Handgun Basics Training Workshop” on Saturday, August 25, 2007 at 5:00pm at the Community Church of Hope. The classroom-style discussion will focus on “off-the-range” fundamentals like stance, grip, sighting, and theory. All members of the community are invited to attend.

This activity is part of the group's mission to educate LGBT citizens about the 2nd Amendment, and encourage them to practice this important civil right. The group hopes that by honing their defensive skills, members can become less vulnerable to hate crimes. The most recent attack reported in the Valley happened on July 23, outside BS West in Scottsdale.

Since forming in January, the group has seen numbers grow steadily, with a revolving membership of over 20 and a core group that includes seven CCW holders. Regional and international press have taken note with features in Montana's “High Country News” and Denmark's “Politiken,” and the Pistols show no sign of losing momentum.

With a community outreach at 1st Fridays and a match league starting up in October, now is the time to get involved. Information about membership and activities is available on their website.


High Country News, August 6, 2007
“An alphabetical speed-load of state-by-state gun facts”

Politiken, June 10, 2007
“Mike og de Pink Pistoler”

Phoenix Pink Pistols
Mike Shipley