iNOODS Helps Indie Filmmakers Get Exposure

iNOODS gives Horror, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Thriller and Dark Drama indie filmmakers what they need most – Exposure.

Philadelphia, PA, May 29, 2013 --( It’s wild. The iNOODS RocketHub Crowdfunder seems to give Horror, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Thriller and Dark Drama indie filmmakers what is needed most – Exposure. And the revolution begins at

According to their info, the iNOODS mission seems to be to raise awareness and support the online web series, iNOODS, so independent filmmakers from around the world can get their incredible short films in front a real audience, worldwide. Too many times these great films have a short festival run and then disappear into oblivion for lack of showcase venues. Can you imagine if Gene Roddenberry had shown Star Trek to a few hundred people and then boxed it up in his basement forever? Well, not anymore.

The web series stars the smart and sexy PRINCESS HORROR, (who is in talks for a role in the upcoming, Zoolander 2), and is focused on giving the viewing audiences what they want. And that is, great stories in the style of such entertainment giants as, The Twilight Zone, Star Wars, and The X-Men. This seems like something worth exploring.
Bob Rossi