LaVergne Writer Uses Book Sales to Help Others

LaVergne, TN, June 01, 2013 --( Local writer, Kelly Griffin, a resident of LaVergne Tennessee, sets out to use profit from her eBook to fund website and help others make their dreams come true. The ten thousand word short story called, The Visionary – The Gift, is available for sale on for $2.99.

Kelly’s vow is that if she can sell five thousand copies of the book she will use 25% of the profits to start a fund and website to help people better their lives. She will be changing her life as well but she wants to help others do the same. Griffin says, “The Website will be called Change Your Destiny and I will take 100 submissions per month to start. The 100 will be narrowed down to 10 and the top ten will be posted on the website for people to vote for.

“The requests could be for anything. Perhaps someone needs to take a class that their company won’t pay for but it would help their career or if someone has a part time catering business but needs more pans, serving dishes, etc to make it a full time career. The winner would send a list of what is needed to change their life and we would purchase the items and have them delivered to the winner. What they do with the items beyond that are up to them but they have been given the chance they needed to better themselves.”

Her plea to everyone is: Purchase a copy of the book so that she may obtain the funds to start the not for profit website. “This is a great opportunity for people to become a part of something bigger than they are and show the world that one person can make a difference. Sometimes a few hundred dollars can make a big difference in someone’s life. If people just chip in by purchasing the eBook I will do everything I can to help people make their lives better,” says Griffin.

Right now Change your destiny can be found on Facebook at if people have questions or just want to learn more about the program.
Change Your Destiny
Kelly Griffin