Evan Guthrie Law Firm Discusses Estate Planning and Probate Court in Class at Mt. Pleasant, SC Library
Evan Guthrie of the Evan Guthrie Law Firm in Charleston, South Carolina taught a class on estate planning and probate court at the Mt. Pleasant Regional Library in Mt. Pleasant, SC on Wednesday, March 13th 2013.
Charleston, SC, June 26, 2013 --(PR.com)-- Evan Guthrie of the Evan Guthrie Law Firm in Charleston, South Carolina taught a class on estate planning and probate court at the Mt. Pleasant Regional Library in Mt. Pleasant, SC on Wednesday, March 13th 2013. The Mt. Pleasant Regional Library is a branch of the Charleston County Library system. This is the third time that Attorney Evan Guthrie has led a legal education class at the venue. Mr. Guthrie’s presentation lasted about an hour in duration and was held in a room that is separate from the main library near the entrance. Attorney Guthrie covered the basics of estate planning and probate including what an estate actually is, what different kinds of assets there are, how the probate court system operates and functions, what a personal representative is and their role in probate, what happens if one dies without a will or other planning device, South Carolina intestate succession laws, the components of a last will and testament, the advantages and disadvantages of a revocable living trust, how to plan for incapacity with a durable power of attorney, how incapacity is treated by the probate court system, how to plan for end of life medical decisions through a living will and healthcare power of attorney, common planning mistakes that people sometimes make, and all of the important documents and information that should be in order to put together a plan.
There were several questions from audience members in attendance at the class that included when is it too late to make an estate plan in regards to a health or hospital situation, how a special needs trust works with someone receiving government disability payments, and how difficult and what the cost would typically be to upgrade a plan from a will to a trust. Attorney Guthrie enjoyed being able to give back to the community by teaching on a subject that is one of the main practice areas of his law firm and educate people on such an important topic that affects so many. Mr. Guthrie teaches several legal education classes a year and there is a schedule of upcoming events on his website. Attorney Guthrie looks forward to returning to Mt Pleasant Regional library in the future to lead more classes.
For more on this event please visit http://www.ekglaw.com/post/50348173238/evan-guthrie-law-firm-leads-class-on-the-basics-of
Evan Guthrie Law Firm is licensed to practice law throughout the state of South Carolina. The Evan Guthrie Law Firm practices in the areas of estate planning probate wills living trust special needs trusts personal injury accident and divorce and family law and entertainment law. For further information visit his website at http://www.ekglaw.com . Probate http://www.ekglaw.com/ontheweb Charleston .com http://www.charleston.com/business/evan-guthrie-law-firm_106347 Small Firm Innovation http://www.smallfirminnovation.com/author/ekglaw/ Think Local http://www.thinklocal.com/EvanGuthrieLawFirm-18038884.html Evan Guthrie Law Firm 164 Market Street Suite 362 Charleston SC 29401 843-926-3813
There were several questions from audience members in attendance at the class that included when is it too late to make an estate plan in regards to a health or hospital situation, how a special needs trust works with someone receiving government disability payments, and how difficult and what the cost would typically be to upgrade a plan from a will to a trust. Attorney Guthrie enjoyed being able to give back to the community by teaching on a subject that is one of the main practice areas of his law firm and educate people on such an important topic that affects so many. Mr. Guthrie teaches several legal education classes a year and there is a schedule of upcoming events on his website. Attorney Guthrie looks forward to returning to Mt Pleasant Regional library in the future to lead more classes.
For more on this event please visit http://www.ekglaw.com/post/50348173238/evan-guthrie-law-firm-leads-class-on-the-basics-of
Evan Guthrie Law Firm is licensed to practice law throughout the state of South Carolina. The Evan Guthrie Law Firm practices in the areas of estate planning probate wills living trust special needs trusts personal injury accident and divorce and family law and entertainment law. For further information visit his website at http://www.ekglaw.com . Probate http://www.ekglaw.com/ontheweb Charleston .com http://www.charleston.com/business/evan-guthrie-law-firm_106347 Small Firm Innovation http://www.smallfirminnovation.com/author/ekglaw/ Think Local http://www.thinklocal.com/EvanGuthrieLawFirm-18038884.html Evan Guthrie Law Firm 164 Market Street Suite 362 Charleston SC 29401 843-926-3813
Evan Guthrie Law Firm
Evan Guthrie
164 Market Street Suite 362
Charleston, SC 29401
Evan Guthrie
164 Market Street Suite 362
Charleston, SC 29401
