Exosphere Launches Crowdfunding Campaign for Open Hardware Space Shuttle

New company joined the ranks of other crowdfunded space businesses as they launched their indiegogo.com campaign on the Fourth of July. Their project is an open hardware space shuttle design.

Orlando, FL, July 07, 2013 --(PR.com)-- Florida based Exosphere has added to the ever growing list of companies seeking to fund space research and development through sites like indiegogo.com. Crowdfunding has been a growing trend, and it doesn't seem to be slowing down. Exosphere launched the open hardware space shuttle project on the fourth of July. The founder commented, “This entire program is about becoming independent, so it only seemed right to launch on our Independence Day.”

Exosphere has been hard at work with the social media platforms, but lacks the big name backers of some recent campaigns. The founder and other team members have said they believe their passion and the nature of the project can overcome these obstacles. Mr. Blanchard stated, "Crowdfunding sites like indiegogo give you the opportunity to share your dream and vision with the world. It is where people get to become a part of your dream for a small contribution." The Exosphere team appears to really believe in their project.

The Exosphere project is an open hardware space shuttle design. They intend to complete a design within a few years of funding and be testing shortly after. Exosphere plans to utilize the help of an entire nation for the project design. Their indiegogo page says they also plan to use the project to help teach young scientists and engineers in a hands on environment. Exosphere talks about plans to make the shuttle as reusable as possible. The final design is supposed to be capable of low earth orbit and docking procedures.

Like every campaign of this nature, there are perks for the contributors. Exosphere has come up with some slightly unique ones considering they don't have a tangible product to give away – as is customary for crowdfunding. What they are giving away as the perks include some great collectibles. They took a big gamble making the project all about collectibles, but time will tell how the people react.

The lower level $10.00 perk includes the basic email list plus a silicone bracelet with the inscription, “#OpenSpace Project.” The $25.00 perk offers everything from the ten, but also comes with a mission patch. For a $100.00 contribution you will receive a gold plated coin minted for the project, and all of the level one and two gear. Next, at $500.00, you receive all of that plus a plaque made out to whomever you wish. One of this level has already been claimed, and the day is not over, yet. To make it even better, they offer a VIP pass to testing and launch events. For $2500.00 one can acquire all of the other perks plus the pass. The last level is a $10,000.00 perk. This comes with everything else and the founder of Exosphere will come speak about space at an event of your choosing.

The campaign can be found by going to www.indiegogo.com and typing in Exosphere. You can also find the project through a dedicated link http://igg.me/at/Exosphere, or from the main site www.exosphereinc.com.
Exosphere Inc.
Zechariah Blanchard
@zblanchard on twitter