Slower Housing Market Has Homeowners Looking to New Web Site for Inexpensive Remodeling Options

Home remodeling, along with housing in general, has taken a hit, but My Personal Plumber offers local homeowners a way to give their homes a fresh, new look at a fraction of the cost of a typical remodel.

Sanford, FL, August 29, 2007 --( To many homeowners, it appears that the housing market has come to a complete standstill. Not only has new construction dramatically slowed down, but many homeowners are also putting their plans to remodel on hold. With interest rates on the rise, homeowners don’t have the expendable income to buy bigger homes or make big improvements to their current homes. But that doesn’t mean that homeowners have to live with their current look. My Personal Plumber has a way for homeowners to still give their home a new look at a fraction of the cost of a typical remodel.

Homeowners can provide their kitchen, bathroom, or wet bar areas with a fresh, new look using My Personal Plumber’s Remodel Remedy ( Rather than tearing down walls and making drastic changes to the flooring, people can give these areas of their homes a new look by updating their fixtures and accessories.

“Many people have had the same faucets, showerheads, and towel bars in their kitchens and bathrooms since the day they bought their homes. By installing premium faucets, showerheads, bath and tub systems, and accessories in today’s popular styles including brushed nickel, shiny chrome, rubbed bronze, or bright brass, it really freshens up the look of any kitchen or bathroom,” Steve Koscoe, President of My Personal Plumber, said. “These updates are done at a fraction of the price a whole remodel, and they can be done in much less time. So, that’s less mess... and less headaches... for homeowners.”

My Personal Plumber has made the remodel process less expensive, and easier, for local homeowners. Now homeowners don’t have to go to a plumbing supply store to look at dozens of showerheads or faucets. Instead, they can shop from the comfort of their own home or office. People can visit and see all the fixtures and accessories My Personal Plumber offers. My Personal Plumber even offers installation options to make it convenient for homeowners to quickly get that new look in their kitchen or bath. “The whole process is extremely homeowner-friendly. It’s meant to save our valued customers’ valued time,” Steve Koscoe added.

My Personal Plumber, Inc.
Steve Koscoe
Toll Free: 888-756-7263
Fax: 407-302-6993