Word of Mouth Marketing Made Easy

Hypefly.com Releases innovative crowd source marketing platform, enabling advertisers to connect directly with social media gurus & bloggers. From instagram posts to youtube product reviews, the platform makes it seamless for both the advertiser and socialite to connect.

San Francisco, CA, July 08, 2013 --(PR.com)-- Hypefly.com announced Monday that a beta version of their platform will be open to the public for further testing on July 15, 2013. The new crowd source marketing platform allows businesses and artists to advertise on instagram, pinterest, and other media outlets. CEO Ashraf Maniar "Hopes that the testing will give new insights in creating the best user experience for both advertisers looking to build connections and socialites who wish to capitalize on their following."

The idea came to Maniar while at his last startup where he held the position of Vice President of Marketing and Advertising. "One of the biggest frustrations in grass roots word of mouth advertising is the lack of structure. When working at my last start-up, I found myself constantly thinking there has got to be a better way than spending countless hours going through social media pages and blog accounts trying to find the right people for us to send our product to, having them review it, then post about it," explained Maniar. "HypeFly certainly solves this issue."

Joseph Averbokh at Reach Local, agrees with Maniar. Averbokh feels "countless hours are wasted on both ends and it would seem intuitive that a simple solution to such a pressing problem would appear."

They want to make it seamless for people looking for exposure to go viral on social media networks including instagram and pinterest.

The latest update to HypeFly's platform allows businesses, artists, and musicians to connect to thousands of social gurus at a time by posting up what they wish to promote and the fee they are willing to pay to get their content read by the social guru's followers. Maniar can't stress how easy hypefly actually is for both parties, "It's actually really simple! Advertiser posts up a marketing campaign, this can be anything from a tweet to a youtube product review, socialites apply to their job, advertiser chooses candidates, hired candidates accomplish job, advertiser pays socialite whatever price they agreed on. Rinse and repeat!"

Maniar is excited about the future of the company, "a few months back, we successfully locked up our first round of financing. Ever since then the positive feedback has just been overwhelming."

HypeFly looks like a game changer in an already rapidly growing online advertising industry. It empowers individuals with large followers to take matters into their own hands and choose which content they wish to share. Advertisers benefit by getting their product, service, talent, or platform seen by countless potential customers within their advertising budget. As CEO Maniar likes to put it, "word of mouth just got easier."
Ashraf Maniar
909 837 8808