New Book Brings Space Travel Down to Earth

Author, Jason Klassi is pleased to announce that his book, The Everyday Space Traveler has won several national awards. With a foreword by astronaut, Buzz Aldrin, this work is flying off the shelves.

Los Angeles, CA, July 11, 2013 --( "The Everyday Space Traveler" recently won the Nautilus Grand Prize for Young Adult Non-Fiction and was awarded the Silver Medal in the Benjamin Franklin Awards from the Independent Book Publisher's Association. "The Everyday Space Traveler" is also a finalist for the Book of the Year Award from Foreword Reviews in three categories: Science, Adventure Travel and Young Adult Nonfiction.

“The Everyday Space Traveler is the first book that brings space travel down to Earth and makes these profound insights available to us all.” - Buzz Aldrin, Apollo 11 moonwalker

Discover 9 Life-Affirming Insights into the Wonders of Inner and Outer Space

Space Travel: It's not just for astronauts anymore

Welcome aboard Expedition Lifepoint- a spectacular virtual voyage to a whole new world. One that is sure to change your life on Earth forever.

Like the astronauts, you too can discover timeless secrets of the universe that have taken earthbound humans millennia to understand. Whether you personally travel to space or not-and there's an ever-increasing possibility that you will one day go - embracing these powerful insights can move you beyond merely surviving to truly thriving.

With so many people wanting to travel in space - to experience its weightlessness and to gaze back at the majesty of our home planet spinning among the stars-space tourism is a real and burgeoning industry. Passenger spaceships are being built right now by such visionary entrepreneurs as Virgin Airlines’ Richard Branson and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos. More and more people-from celebrities to schoolteachers-are booking a coveted seat for the chance to infuse some cosmic sense into their everyday lives.

Don’t wait to embark on your first space adventure. Experience the cosmos now-using this book as your private spaceship. Strap in, take off and open yourself to an epic journey that will leave you empowered, inspired and forever transformed.

Get ready to discover:

9 profound insights from space travel that will enhance your life on this planet
Exhilarating space-travel experiences you can have here on Earth
A practical plan for your own real-life space journey
The life-changing visual beauty of space
and more.

The Everyday Space Traveler is available in both print and ebook format.

Book Information:
The Everyday Space Traveler
Author: Jason Klassi
Publisher: Space Traveler Publishing
ISBN: 978-0981767406
Published: July 2012
Pages: 200

About The Author:
Jason Klassi is an Emmy-nominated documentary producer and award-winning author. His productions have premiered on television, at the United Nations and events around the world. NASA, the International Astronautical Congress and Paramount Pictures have published Jason’s writings. He is a recipient of the Space Tourism Society’s Orbit Award.

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact:

Jason Klassi
Jason Klassi