Ancient Egyptian Prophecy Places Curse on L.A. Teens

Drayton Press is pleased to announce the launch of "The Year of the Great Seventh," the debut novel of author Teresa Orts.

London, United Kingdom, July 12, 2013 --( What happens when two L.A. teenagers give in to their desires, and in so doing unlock an ancient Egyptian prophecy that began with the mysterious deaths of Cleopatra and Marc Antony?

Former New York banker and now author, Teresa Orts, answers this question and more in "The Year of the Great Seventh."

"The Year of the Great Seventh," which is available on in hardcover and e-book format, is the first in a series that blends elements of ancient Egyptian history, modern-day action-adventure, and paranormal romance.

“I wrote 'The Year of the Great Seventh' as the type of book I wanted to devour through the night when I was a teenager,” says Orts. “I wanted books I could relate to, about the outsiders at school, about romance and historical mystery.”

Orts explains that it was the global financial crisis that led her to her passion, and the cutthroat world of self-publishing. “Unlike most authors, I didn’t start writing books when I was five years old. In fact, I’d never been too interested in reading or writing. Hanging out with friends in the small Spanish town where I grew up always seemed more appealing than anything a book could offer. It took about twenty-seven years and a global financial meltdown for me to discover the magic world of writing.”

“At the time, I was living in New York City, and one morning I discovered I was no longer expected at my sixty-hour-a-week investment banking job. One night, tired of surfing the web and watching TV, I opened my computer and started typing a short story, which I saved with little interest. That was the day Nate and Sophie were born.”

Drayton Press is pleased to report that the book is rated in the top 25 of all genres for July 2013 releases on the industry stalwart website, Goodreads. “Delicately interweaving contrasting settings,” says one reviewer, “from the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, to the City that Never Sleeps, and high school, you are taken on an impressive journey of such scope. The core of this book is a teenage romance and yet the exquisitely detailed historical elements, together with the fast-paced mystery make this an altogether remarkable read.”

For interview requests or review copies of "The Year of the Great Seventh," please contact the author at, or visit her website at
Drayton Press
Teresa Orts