Trade Show Experts Team Up to Issue Challenge for Exhibitors

For three weeks in August, trade show marketing consultant and author Marlys Arnold will team up with a number of other exhibit industry experts to offer an online training series: "Your Exhibit Success (Y.E.S.) Challenge."

Kansas City, MO, July 31, 2013 --( Juggling dozens of logistics details -- which most exhibitors must do -- leaves little time for focusing on the strategy behind it all. To educate and inspire exhibitors to get a strategy in place, trade show marketing consultant and author Marlys Arnold has teamed up with a number of other experts to offer a series of training tips, plus some challenges to gear up for fall's hectic show season.

For three weeks in August, Arnold will host "Your Exhibit Success (Y.E.S.) Challenge," interviewing exhibit industry professionals and interacting with participants on the Trade Show Insights blog. Each week has a different theme: Presence (exhibit design), Promotions (pre-show and in-booth), and People (booth staff and lead management). Experts scheduled to be featured during the series include:
- Katina Rigall: "Design Trends for Memorable Exhibits"
- Simon Harrop: “Incorporating Multisensory Marketing”
- Steve Lager: "How to Use Video to Promote & Engage"
- Heidi Thorne: "Creative Ideas for Promotions"
- Siobhan Connellan: "Lead Management Secrets"
- Marlys Arnold: "Who's the Face of Your Exhibit?"

"It's like a recipe," Arnold said. "Simply throwing a list of ingredients in a bowl won't necessarily produce the results you want. But by creating and following a strategy, your exhibit marketing plan begins to not only become more streamlined, but also more effective."

There is no charge to participate during the Y.E.S. Challenge from August 5-23. To learn more or to request e-mail reminders each week, go to Each reminder will detail the week's agenda of featured experts and the accompanying Challenge, along with links to access all the materials.

About Marlys Arnold:
As an exhibit marketing strategist, Marlys Arnold has worked with exhibitors and show managers in all kinds of industries, including some of the largest shows in the U.S. She leads exhibitor workshops, hosts the Trade Show Insights blog-cast, and is the author of "Build a Better Trade Show Image" and the "ExhibitorEd Success System." She is also the founder of the Exhibit Marketers Café, an online exhibitor education community.
Exhibit Marketers Cafe
Marlys K. Arnold