New Collective Memoir Combines Memories and Events from Old Pals During World War II and Beyond

UK author, Brian B. Rogers is pleased to announce the promotion of his book, "The Testimony Of Benjanim Smith: The Survivors Club."

New York, NY, August 15, 2013 --( This work is a chronicle of events told by the remaining school pals from the War Years who met by chance some sixty years later and meet once a month to reminisce on times past, and their present day dilemmas.

Despite growing up during the Second World War, watching the nightly vigil of German Bombers destroying the ship builders by the river, the author and some of his pals did survive, had their fun, adventures, first loves and misfortunes. As young adults their circumstances changed. New pals, new loves, 'Don't forget to keep in touch', but as time went by they didn't. Until one day by chance colliding into his old school pal Graham, nearly seventy years after parting their ways, things changed for Rogers and his friends. They say "everything happens in three," but in their case it increased as more, now grey haired delinquents from 4A joined the monthly meetings of the Survivors Club, to reminisce on old times over a few beers. Being pressured into putting pen to paper and transcribe the testimony of their memorable youth, this narrative was composed.

"The Testimony of Benjanim Smith" is available in both print and ebook format.

Book Information:
The Testimony Of Benjanim Smith: The Survivors Club
Author: Brian B Rogers
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1477235256
Published: October 2012
Pages: 274

About The Author:
Brian B. Rogers was born on the Wirral, in Cheshire UK, as the Second World War unfolded and soon reached the shores. Rogers says, “The May Blitz, as we called it devastated parts of our area. We lads were not put off by German Bombers, we had our adventures, our young loves, tomorrow might have been to late. Time rushed by, my old pals go their own way and I find myself married, now with six grandkids, six great grandkids, and you find out what the meaning of life was all about, now your old and grey.”

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact:

Brian B. Rogers
Brian B Rogers