Spiritual Environmental Protection: Paradigm-Shifting New Book Addresses the Need for Faith-Based Environmentalism

David Page's Newly Released "GODLess Environmentalism: The Failure of Environmental Protection and Our Hidden Power to Save the Planet" explores the connection between human beings, nature, the environment, planet earth, and God who created and maintains them. The book returns environmental protection to genuine spirituality, demonstrating that nature contains the hidden power to reestablish the connection between humanity and the divine. A must read for environmentalists of all faiths.

Spiritual Environmental Protection: Paradigm-Shifting New Book Addresses the Need for Faith-Based Environmentalism
New York, NY, August 14, 2013 --(PR.com)-- Jeshurun Press presents David Page's Newly Released Book: "GODLess Environmentalism: The Failure of Environmental Protection and Our Hidden Power to Save the Planet."

A must-read for all environmentalists of faith and for all those who believe environmental protection means more than US EPA regulations.

"GODless Environmentalism" takes an exciting and innovative look at a topic that has become increasingly in-vogue, spirituality and environmental protection. The book reexamines the topic. The conclusion? Environmentalism is failing because it has not used the crucial spiritual connection to the Power that created and maintains the world. The planet is an infinitely intricate place, and without harnessing the power of the infinite that created and maintains the planet, technical fixes and tinkering are doomed to failure.

"GODless Environmentalism: The Failure of Environmental Protection and Our Hidden Power to Save the Planet" describes a system of environmental protection that is broken beyond repair yet somehow self-perpetuating. National and international energy and treasure have been poured into our effort to save the planet. But the open secret is that the effort has failed: Environmental protection is hopelessly confused and woefully ineffective. What went wrong? And why do we continue to pursue this failed effort as if nothing had gone wrong? "GODless Environmentalism" discusses the pitfalls of environmental protection one-by-one, from disagreements about ethics - defining "environment" and "protection" - to scientific uncertainty, irrational risk management, and the vagaries of international law, adding up to failure. Nuclear energy, global climate change, and oil spills, are examples of the failure of environmental protection. The root of this policy failure is surprising. It goes back to an ancient conflict between two worldviews about the relationship between humankind and the divine. The currently dominant worldview posits that human beings alone can technocratically "fix" complex problems. If one technocratic "fix" fails, according to this view, then we simply need a new and better technocratic "fix." Because this worldview is dogma among most policy-makers, environmentalism generally fails to consider the spiritual element of environmental protection. God has been removed from policy debates.

"GODless Environmentalism" advocates the opposing worldview: To restore our genuine spiritual connection to the power creating and maintaining the world and to heal our planet. In so doing, this book takes seriously Shellenberger and Nordhaus's call in Breakthrough Institute's "The Death of Environmentalism" to connect environmental protection to deep and powerful spiritual roots.

About the Author, David Page
David Page's unique background allows him to situate environmental protection in its spiritual and philosophical context. The results of his synthesis between modern policy and ancient wisdom will surprise anyone with an open mind and an ability to perceive the spiritual foundations of the planet.

This author's educational background is in some ways uniquely suited to this project. On the academic side, he was educated at Harvard University and afterwards at the University of Chicago Law School, where he learned environmental law from Cass Sunstein (formerly serving in the Obama Administration) and law and economics from Richard Posner and others, as well as aspects of Constitutional Law from Barack Obama himself. The author has published and taught in the field of environmental law and policy at the Law Faculty of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has clerked on the federal court of appeals as well as served as counsel in the largest Washington, DC law firm and as general counsel in an American-Israeli high tech company and is now a partner in a technology-driven law firm in Jerusalem.

At the same time, in an unusual twist that has fueled his passion for this project, the author also studied for many years at the largest rabbinical seminary in the world in Jerusalem, Israel, as well as at other Jerusalem institutions of higher Talmudic and Judaic studies. Thus, he brings an appropriate blend of environmental policy and religious studies to the project.
"GODless Environmentalism" takes a dry law, science, and ethical topic and gives it the full depth of faith and beauty that Planet Earth deserves.

On sale at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, WH Smith, Apple, and Other Fine Stores, in Hardcover, Paperback, and eBook Formats.

Sometimes, you have to begin at the beginning.

Visit www.godlessenvironmentalism.com, subscribe to the "Godless Environmentalism" YouTube channel www.youtube.com/watch, and "Friend" the book on Facebook to learn more about the genuine spiritual approach to environmental protection.
Jeshurun Press
Bill Thomas