First Anniversary of Lucky Compiler - an Online Anthology of Art & Photography
On September, 2013, Lucky Compiler will celebrate its first anniversary. Nearly a hundred articles have been published during this period featuring artists from twenty six countries. The list includes Susan Clinard, Jean Haines, Claudio Edinger, Brooke Shaden to name a few.
Calcutta, India, August 27, 2013 --( The Concept
The concept of Lucky Compiler ( was born out of the curiosity of intimately knowing and chronicling the personal journeys undertaken by creative individuals from around the world.
• This is one of a kind online anthology sharing with its audience,
• First hand narratives of creative processes of artists and photographers
• Critical notes of gifted individuals from various strata of creative fields
• Rich and varied content presented within a congenial context for everyone to relish
• Features on both young and established artists based on interesting and unconventional interviews
• Unhindered voices of talented individuals not encumbered by editorial remarks
• The opportunity of a deeper introspection and the realisation of the splendour of creative endeavours
Behind the Scene
Lucky Compiler is created and maintained by Dhruba & Dola, a brother and sister duo, from Calcutta, India. Dhruba started working on this online publication almost immediately after the completion of his MBA in 2012. In his work he is ably supported by his elder sister, Dola, for most of the editorial and design related decision making.
Preparation & Presentation
Much research is undertaken and questions for an interview are prepared keeping in mind the kind of work the subject of the interview has produced in the span of his or her career. The interaction is online, based on email communication or in rare cases by conversation through Skype™.
The time, effort and the dedicated involvement of the artists are the chief reasons for Lucky Compiler’s success in presenting thoughtful, rich and eloquent content for its readers.
The Audience
Great works of art are timeless. Much like their creations the creators too, often unwillingly, have an enigmatic quality associated with themselves. Thus, nothing could be more alluring than having the opportunity of delving deep into the soul of creation. The readers would find themselves lost into the world of artistic sublimity or technological wizardry not to mention the touching words that resonate deep within the human heart long after they are read.
The Journey Ahead
Brought into existence online Lucky Compiler’s offline avatar is also planned. From visual art forms, the magazine intends to diversify into other facets such as performing arts and architecture as well.
It is in this grand celebration of art and life that everyone is invited to enrich and enliven their own experiences.
The concept of Lucky Compiler ( was born out of the curiosity of intimately knowing and chronicling the personal journeys undertaken by creative individuals from around the world.
• This is one of a kind online anthology sharing with its audience,
• First hand narratives of creative processes of artists and photographers
• Critical notes of gifted individuals from various strata of creative fields
• Rich and varied content presented within a congenial context for everyone to relish
• Features on both young and established artists based on interesting and unconventional interviews
• Unhindered voices of talented individuals not encumbered by editorial remarks
• The opportunity of a deeper introspection and the realisation of the splendour of creative endeavours
Behind the Scene
Lucky Compiler is created and maintained by Dhruba & Dola, a brother and sister duo, from Calcutta, India. Dhruba started working on this online publication almost immediately after the completion of his MBA in 2012. In his work he is ably supported by his elder sister, Dola, for most of the editorial and design related decision making.
Preparation & Presentation
Much research is undertaken and questions for an interview are prepared keeping in mind the kind of work the subject of the interview has produced in the span of his or her career. The interaction is online, based on email communication or in rare cases by conversation through Skype™.
The time, effort and the dedicated involvement of the artists are the chief reasons for Lucky Compiler’s success in presenting thoughtful, rich and eloquent content for its readers.
The Audience
Great works of art are timeless. Much like their creations the creators too, often unwillingly, have an enigmatic quality associated with themselves. Thus, nothing could be more alluring than having the opportunity of delving deep into the soul of creation. The readers would find themselves lost into the world of artistic sublimity or technological wizardry not to mention the touching words that resonate deep within the human heart long after they are read.
The Journey Ahead
Brought into existence online Lucky Compiler’s offline avatar is also planned. From visual art forms, the magazine intends to diversify into other facets such as performing arts and architecture as well.
It is in this grand celebration of art and life that everyone is invited to enrich and enliven their own experiences.
Lucky Compiler
Dhrubajyoti Rai Chaudhuri
Dhrubajyoti Rai Chaudhuri
