How to be a Great Stage Mom, Casting Director Develops Online Course

Casting Director Toni Cusumano develops definitive online course for parents who want to break their children into the entertainment business.

New York, NY, September 04, 2013 --( East Coast independent casting director Toni Cusumano had a problem. Everyday she received emails and phone calls from parents seeking to break their kids into the business of entertainment. The problem was, who had time to answer and consult everyone? Especially when the world of casting moves at a break neck speed. Email and phones are constantly tied up. Cusumano wanted to help, she is not just a casting director, she was also a stage mom at one time, guiding the career of her son Christopher (Topher) Cusumano. She empathized with the parents; the spirit was willing, but there was just not enough time in the day.

To solve the dilemma, she has developed an online course, Breaking Your Child Into The Business of Acting. The course can be found at, an online learning platform.

"If I answered everyone and provided 'counsel' no work would ever get done," said Cusumano. "I kept hearing horror stories from parents about different scams they fell victim to and I found this most disturbing. Udemy gave me the opportunity to develop a course to help parents out."

The course is designed for busy parents to take at their own pace. The course is broken down into 8 lectures, which Cusumano will be adding to with input from her class. The video course also contains downloads, such as the proper templates for acting resumes,l inks to find acting jobs, and much more. Best of all Cusumano plans monthly "live" sessions with her students. "With the power of the internet I can connect with parents in a live group setting to answer questions without any of us leaving our home and offices," stated Cusumano.

The course Breaking Your Child Into The Acting Biz can be found at
Toni Cusumano Casting
Toni Cusumano