Las Vegas Realtor Publishes Article Luring Californians to Las Vegas
Many Californians are now trying to figure out how to leave California and move to Las Vegas - a top local Las Vegas REALTOR publishes 7 important reasons why this makes sense.
Las Vegas, NV, September 06, 2013 --( Rob Flitton, a top REALTOR in the Las Vegas real estate market, has published an important article to outline 7 big ideas on why to move to Las Vegas from California. According to Rob Flitton, "California is an over-regulated and fiscally broke state - as are many of its cities." And Flitton has researched comparisons between the costs of living in many Californian cities to living in Las Vegas.
His research included studying the differences in livings costs and lifestyle quality, broken down into 7 categories. Flitton analyzed commodity costs, taxation, fuel taxes, income taxes, regulations, the cost of housing, etc. His report also includes a brief summary video about how to move to Las Vegas and find the right type of Las Vegas home for sale.
Says Flitton: “California communities are in decline, and the big question people face is to wonder where they can move to in order to improve their lot in life. My research says that a move to Las Vegas is an important strategy to consider and my published article proves why.”
In comparison to most LA urban centers Flitton says: "Las Vegas enjoys almost no commute time, no state income taxes, less regulation, fantastic weather, and the ability to buy a home at 25% to 50% of the cost of most major urban areas or cities."
Rob Flitton is a top REALTOR in Las Vegas and with Urban Nest Realty in Summerlin.
His research included studying the differences in livings costs and lifestyle quality, broken down into 7 categories. Flitton analyzed commodity costs, taxation, fuel taxes, income taxes, regulations, the cost of housing, etc. His report also includes a brief summary video about how to move to Las Vegas and find the right type of Las Vegas home for sale.
Says Flitton: “California communities are in decline, and the big question people face is to wonder where they can move to in order to improve their lot in life. My research says that a move to Las Vegas is an important strategy to consider and my published article proves why.”
In comparison to most LA urban centers Flitton says: "Las Vegas enjoys almost no commute time, no state income taxes, less regulation, fantastic weather, and the ability to buy a home at 25% to 50% of the cost of most major urban areas or cities."
Rob Flitton is a top REALTOR in Las Vegas and with Urban Nest Realty in Summerlin.
Rob Flitton
