San Diego Testosterone Therapy Doctors Comment on Possible Link to Parkinson’s Disease

Sudden drops in testosterone levels in mice caused symptoms like those seen in Parkinson’s disease.

San Diego, CA, September 09, 2013 --( A recent study published in The Journal of Biological Chemistry suggests that there may be a connection between testosterone levels and the onset of Parkinson’s disease. Dr. John T. Alexander II, founder of Energenex ( in San Diego, says that there are likely a number of conditions that may be related to testosterone levels that are as yet unrecognized.

“Low testosterone levels can cause a number of physical and psychological symptoms, but not enough is known about the long-term effects of Low T,” explains Dr. Alexander, whose practice offers testosterone replacement therapy for San Diego men. “This study could shed additional light on the importance of hormone balance.”

The research study was conducted at Rush University Medical Center by neurological researchers, who found that the sudden drop in testosterone levels of mice following castration caused reduced dopamine levels and symptoms and pathology similar to the effects of Parkinson’s disease in humans. Supplementation with DHT reversed the pathology.

Low dopamine levels in humans cause problems with motor control, while very low levels have been linked to Parkinson’s disease in other research. Clinical depression, which is also frequently seen in Parkinson’s patients, is connected to low dopamine levels as well. Men with low testosterone are more commonly diagnosed with clinical depression compared to men with more balanced hormone levels, and depression and Low T share many of the same symptoms, leading to frequent misdiagnosis.

“Hormones require a very delicate balance in order to work properly, and one imbalance frequently leads to others,” says Dr. Alexander, who treats men suffering from Low T at his San Diego practice using bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. “These imbalances affect so many aspects of physical and mental health, and these types of studies are shedding even more light on how hormone deficiencies may affect us.”

Parkinson’s is a degenerative disorder that affects the central nervous system. The progression of the disease causes dysfunction and eventual death in brain cells. The earliest symptoms are movement-related, including trembling, shaking, slow movements and difficulty walking. As the disease progresses, problems with thought processes and behavioral issues may arise, including dementia. Depression is also commonly seen in patients with Parkinson's. Although symptoms of Parkinson's may be managed through medication initially, there is no cure for the disease.
Dr John Alexander