We Haven't Got Very Much Time

d.f.downey's apocalyptic novel "Divinity Constant" is now available on Lulu.com

Bloomfield, NJ, September 10, 2007 --(PR.com)-- “Divinity Constant” written in the shadow of the Twin Towers in the summer of 2001 is finally released.

American author d.f.downey has published his apocalyptic novel of the religious ecology of belief on Lulu.com, the online marketplace for digital content.

Mother Ruth Jones, comments: “There is a great need for a work of religious understanding in an age of great division. I told Mr.Downey that he must fill this need.”

Jesus died for somebody’s sins but did he do it here? In a universe of a billion, billion suns what makes us think we’re so special that God sent his only begotten son to us? Or are our beliefs simply the product of cosmic missionaries and we are simply the “natives” they had to save?

That’s the core of “Divinity Constant. An alien object, planted here 2000 years ago to recreate the life of Jesus Christ, is unearthed in the Mexican Desert. A heretical alien Christian group, the "Apocaleans," in the persons of charismatic televangelists Chris & Gary van Icke, comes to Earth to stage the second coming and end the world to "save" us before our declining faith condemns us forever. Brother Brendan leads a determined band who must show we have reached our maturity as a people and are ready to spread all the beliefs of our world to the unenlightened of the universe. A major complication is that this may be where Jesus actually lived. It’s a race against time to save humanity and maybe even God, Himself.

The author reflects, “In 2001, just after Memorial Day, an incident at work had left me questioning my life’s direction. I walked the twenty or so blocks to Lafayette Square in a haze as I pondered my options. As I passed Cooper Union I asked God, for the first time in my life, for a sign. As I walked, my anger and frustration clouding every step, I caught sight of a bright, freshly painted yellow arrow on the sidewalk near the corner of Astor Place and Lafayette. At first, I saw globs of purple paint. Then they slowly formed the letters of my name in what looked like my own hand. Of course, they didn’t really do this. It was a case of cognitive dissonance. My mind just couldn’t accept what my senses told it. I began to laugh, right there on that crowded NYC street. I looked to where the arrow pointed and saw that it was to a sign post again freshly painted, but this time purple. But as my eyes followed the pole to the top there was no sign. I took this to mean that I had to write the sign, that I had to write. I’m sure I must have looked like some wild-eyed lost prophet as I told people my story. I know my wife was relieved when it turned out I wasn’t quitting my job to chase this calling. Through that summer on a bench in Washington Square Park, I wrote obsessively. When I would look up I could see the World Trade Center in the distance, at least at first. Over the summer the towers disappeared behind the new NYU student center. Daily, as I took the walk to my bench I would pass the “Downey” arrow. Doubts would filter in as to the urgency of what I was writing but I would find new meaning whenever they surfaced. On one occasion when I guess I really needed reinforcement, it came in the form of ketchup accidentally drizzled across my shirt. When I reached the arrow there was purple paint lightly drizzled across the Downey on the arrow. I know, coincidence, but it had the desired effect. Right after Labor Day as I passed the arrow again, I noticed for the first time it also pointed at a sewer. The book was finished. I spent the next week winding down, writing word pictures of people in the park. I vividly remember a young boy dancing on the feet of his grandmother in the late summer dusty sunlight. A day later, 9/11, the towers disappeared for real. In the book the phrase, “We haven’t got very much time” repeats over and over. But we do have time. As I can attest, God works in mysterious ways.”


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d.f.downey lives in Bloomfield, NJ with his wife and son. His book can be found at http://www.lulu.com/content/1153162.