Aniwayha Wild Rescue Inc. Founder Has Written a Book to Use as a Fundraiser for Rescue

Aniwayha's founder has published The Dominion Chronicles. Lori Beebe-Aguirre, 34 has written a novel to help with the fundraising to get this rescue moved to a larger piece of land. The book is about a Vampire hero who keeps the bad people out of her city. This is the first book of many to come.

Quartz Hill, CA, September 12, 2007 --( Lori Beebe-Aguirre, mother of 6 and founder of Aniwyha Wild Rescue has published a novel to help with the support of her rescue. AWR Is a non profit org. and has her rescue in her home in Quartz Hill, Lori wants to raise funds to get a larger piece of property in Kern County to move her animals and build a bigger facility. She had many old and diseased dogs who she loves and cares for, but her property is too small and L.A county has strict rules about being over your limit on animals. She will continue to care for the old and sick dogs but needs to get a place where she can also rescue larger animals in need.

AWR is dedicated to helping any animal in any condition, at any age, no questions asked. The Dominion Chronicles will become a series of books over time.

Aniwayha Wild Rescue
Lori Beebe-Aguirre