Hypnotherapy Perception Altering

Prominent author and hypnotherapist comments and releases research findings on the changing public and professional perception of modern hypnotherapy.

Bournemouth, United Kingdom, September 13, 2007 --(PR.com)-- Bestselling personal development author and prominent hypnotherapist Adam Eason has announced the developing trends within the attitudes of conventional medical professionals towards hypnotherapy and the medical applications of hypnosis.

According to Eason, as more research is conducted, so hypnosis and it's therapeutic applications are being accepted by the medical community much more readily. Eason states: "I have been finding more medical professionals than ever becoming involved with the hypnosis associations and organisations and many more recommending hypnotherapists as a complementary mode of treatment. Just last week, the internet was rife reporting research showing hypnosis helping overcome pain and recovery with breast cancer patients. Such is the appetite for this kind of hypnosis research today."

"In the absence of solid research and documentation supporting the psychological applications of hypnosis, many conventional medical professionals neglected to offer or suggest hypnotherapy in the past. In fact, hypnotherapists would often get great resistance from the medical establishments." Adds Eason.

In addition, Eason's own research has shown that more people than ever are training to be hypnotherapists - this presents an opportunity to help others in a wide variety of ways and earn a good living in a way that offers a sharp contrast to the often pressurized working environment of many other means of employment.

"More people than ever are taking training courses and as such, awareness is getting heightened further and there is much more demand for these hypnotherapists - it is a great time for us all." Adds Eason.

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