Attorney Claims Your Children Are at Risk Even if You Have a Will
It’s incredible to believe, but 74% of U.S. parents don’t have a Will and even those who do still risk their children being taken from their home, at least temporarily, if they are injured or die. Think about it.
Redondo Beach, CA, September 14, 2007 --( If your children are at home with a babysitter or at school and you are in an accident and can’t communicate, the police have no choice but to call in child protective services until they can figure out what to do. That can mean temporary foster care.
When lawyer and mom, Alexis Neely, discovered her kids would be taken into the foster care system if she was injured or died even though she had a Will, she realized that traditional “estate planning” does not adequately protect our young children. According to Neely, founder of the Family Wealth Planning Institute and creator of the Kids Protection Planning Kit, “Parents spend so much time agonizing over who they leave their kids with when they run to the store or go to work and yet the vast majority don’t even have a Will and those who do still risk leaving their kids at the mercy of the foster care system if they are injured or die.”
The Family Wealth Planning Institute is offering parents throughout the United States a free workshop that teaches “7 Little-Known Steps You MUST Take To Protect Your Minor Children In Today’s Crazy World” so that every parent can have the peace of mind of knowing their children would never be at the mercy of our broken court system. These informative and entertaining workshops will be held in local communities by Personal Family Lawyers™ hand-picked by the Family Wealth Planning Institute for their expertise in legal planning for the protection of minor children and the money that is left behind to care for them.
Not only is the workshop free for all families, but each Personal Family Lawyer™ has arranged for a limited amount of on-site professional childcare available at the event. In addition, each attending family will receive a $397 Kids Protection Planning Kit free. To find a local event in your area, go to
For more information about the workshops or to interview Alexis Neely call Kris Mazzini at 866-999-3974. Do not expect a depressing interview about death and taxes; Alexis makes these topics interesting and entertaining.
About Alexis: As a busy mom, entrepreneur, and lawyer, whose own father died with an incomplete plan, Alexis knows most people don't talk about money, death and taxes until it's too late. Alexis makes it super easy for your family to talk about and plan for these sticky subjects. Get Alexis' humorous, enlightening, and often quite revealing "Family Wealth Secrets" at
When lawyer and mom, Alexis Neely, discovered her kids would be taken into the foster care system if she was injured or died even though she had a Will, she realized that traditional “estate planning” does not adequately protect our young children. According to Neely, founder of the Family Wealth Planning Institute and creator of the Kids Protection Planning Kit, “Parents spend so much time agonizing over who they leave their kids with when they run to the store or go to work and yet the vast majority don’t even have a Will and those who do still risk leaving their kids at the mercy of the foster care system if they are injured or die.”
The Family Wealth Planning Institute is offering parents throughout the United States a free workshop that teaches “7 Little-Known Steps You MUST Take To Protect Your Minor Children In Today’s Crazy World” so that every parent can have the peace of mind of knowing their children would never be at the mercy of our broken court system. These informative and entertaining workshops will be held in local communities by Personal Family Lawyers™ hand-picked by the Family Wealth Planning Institute for their expertise in legal planning for the protection of minor children and the money that is left behind to care for them.
Not only is the workshop free for all families, but each Personal Family Lawyer™ has arranged for a limited amount of on-site professional childcare available at the event. In addition, each attending family will receive a $397 Kids Protection Planning Kit free. To find a local event in your area, go to
For more information about the workshops or to interview Alexis Neely call Kris Mazzini at 866-999-3974. Do not expect a depressing interview about death and taxes; Alexis makes these topics interesting and entertaining.
About Alexis: As a busy mom, entrepreneur, and lawyer, whose own father died with an incomplete plan, Alexis knows most people don't talk about money, death and taxes until it's too late. Alexis makes it super easy for your family to talk about and plan for these sticky subjects. Get Alexis' humorous, enlightening, and often quite revealing "Family Wealth Secrets" at
Family Wealth Planning Institute
Alexis Neely
Family Wealth Planning Institute
417 Beryl Street
Redondo Beach, California 90277
Questions or Support:
Alexis Neely
Family Wealth Planning Institute
417 Beryl Street
Redondo Beach, California 90277
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